FOnline Development > Questions and Answers
A bunch of nooby questions
If you change coordinates in GenerateWorld.cfg you will have a new location on the new spot though.
If you want to move existing location you can use this:
--- Code: ---void location_move (Critter& cr, int id, int x, int y)
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < (__GlobalMapWidth * __GlobalMapZoneLength) && y < (__GlobalMapHeight * __GlobalMapZoneLength))
if (id > 0 && valid(GetLocation(id)))
Location@ loc = GetLocation(id);
loc.WorldX = uint16(x);
loc.WorldY = uint16(y);
cr.Say(SAY_NETMSG, "Location " + id + " moved to [" + loc.WorldX + "," + loc.WorldY + "].");
cr.Say(SAY_NETMSG, "Invalid location Id.");
cr.Say(SAY_NETMSG, "Invalid world map coordinates.");
--- End code ---
Question D: How do i get rid of the text that pops up as soon as i enter a town like the den and redding its in russian text in the message box?
The easier things is I thing to search message you got in scripts.
Not sure it's that but (..and I check on a old SDK revision):
in "main.fos" you have "map_critter_in" function, called each time someone enter a map.
In this function you have a call to "OnCitterMapIn" (It look Russian have the same level in English as French (me at least) ^^)
In "nopvp_maps.fos" you can see in the function that you have "cr.SayMsg( SAY_NETMSG, TEXTMSG_TEXT, 1 );" line.
In FOTEXT.msg the string number 1 is "Включен nopvp режим.". Google say us that it mean : "Nopvp enabled mode." (as in english text part the n°1 don't exist in my revision)
If it's that you can desactivate pvp mode or change city where nopvp is enable or add an English message.
For the first you have a global variable to change "__NoPvpMaps".
For the second you can change global variable in nopvp_maps.fos : the "noPvpMaps" array.
For the last option you have to add English message if not present and set English language.
It can also be a message that is trigger when NPC see you, you walk in a zone, etc .. but the description you do look like to be a nopvp message.
damn i thought it was the pvp text at first aswell but i checked and its not so i took some images of what it says in redding and the den appreciated the help thanks for all the support.
We search these strings in *.msg
--- Code: ---# Сообщение на входе в Реддинг
{5430}{}{По приближению к городу Вы замечаете, что северная его часть огорожена длинной стеной.}
# Post at the entrance to Redding
{5430} {} {On the approach to the town you notice that the northern part of the long fenced wall.}
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---#
# Den entrance messages
{1050}{}{Вы испытываете странное чувство полной разрухи.}
{1051}{}{Где-то в глубине души вы очень рады, что покинули это место.}
# Den entrance messages
{1050} {} {You feel a strange sense of complete ruin.}
{1051} {} {Somewhere in my heart you are very glad to leave this place.}
--- End code ---
So we got the 5430 message and 1050 message from FOTEXT.msg
We can search directly "5430" or "1050" on scripts.
We found :
in map_redding_outer.fos
--- Code: ---#define STR_REDDING_IN ( 5430 )
void _MapInit( Map& reddOut, bool firstTime )
reddOut.SetEvent( MAP_EVENT_IN_CRITTER, "_ReddingCritterIn" );
void _ReddingCritterIn( Map& denBus, Critter& player )
if( player.IsPlayer() )
--- End code ---
It's a map event.
and in map_den_bus.fos
--- Code: ---#define STR_DENBUS_IN ( 1050 ) // "Âû èñïûòûâàåòå ñòðàííîå ÷óâñòâî ïîëíîé ðàçðóõè."
#define STR_DENBUS_OUT ( 1051 ) // "Ãäå-òî â ãëóáèíå äóøè âû î÷åíü ðàäû, ÷òî ïîêèíóëè ýòî ìåñòî."
void _DenBusInit( Map& denBus, bool firstTime )
denBus.SetEvent( MAP_EVENT_IN_CRITTER, "_DenBusInCritter" );
denBus.SetEvent( MAP_EVENT_OUT_CRITTER, "_DenBusOutCritter" );
void _DenBusInCritter( Map& denBus, Critter& player )
if( player.IsPlayer() )
void _DenBusOutCritter( Map& denBus, Critter& player )
if( player.IsPlayer() )
--- End code ---
A map event too.
You can comment event, or comment the "SayMsg" part or change map if you don't need script associated.
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