Other > Suggestions
Showers 2.0
If at all, food would give a little temporary bonus, similar to normal drugs right now. It would never be necessary to eat. In any case, there is no reason to panic about this right now, as there are no plans to add more drugs / drug-like items in the sooner future.
the underground:
Food already does give a permenant boosts (not bonus) to hit points, which is all I said to begin with. Calling this a "food and bullshit" idea isn't correct or helpful.
It's NOT intended for all areas; if the showers and/or water heater doesn't work, then it wouldn't work (ie, anything in the bone yard). The waterbag idea might work, and you can build an improvesed shower (dets iled in army feild manuals), but I really wasn't thinking of those.
Killer Rabbit:
Or you can became canibal and meat will be your drugs. Eyes, ears, brains, raw meat, blood.
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