Other > Gang Issues

minigun v lvl 1 player.

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Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: the underground on April 16, 2013, 10:18:58 pm ---No.
This isn't a college paper, and you aren't my mother. I already have on of those, thanx.

--- End quote ---
Just do a minor spellcheck when you are done typing and there won't be a problem.


--- Quote from: MrSarcastic on April 12, 2013, 10:40:16 pm ---Don't click if you don't give a single shit about kids these days, future of education, lowering IQ of population and everything else that can be used to justify Underground's spelling.
Dude, I've had enough. Over the last two months you've shitted out over 260 posts and unless I didn't notice (I'm not a fan or anything - just checked stats page for that info) there are spelling errors in every single one of them.

You claim that English is your native language and always it's your phone's fault. I don't know what make you're using but all phones I know have autocorrect option, which although not perfect (and sometimes funny) can help to avoid most mistakes caused by inacurrate typing.

No other guy from forum spells so bad (and believe me - I've read through loads of shit here) so I've came up with few theories to explain your problem (or our problem actually):

1. You really have some problems. If thats the case please accept my apologies. And please - stay away from NCR too.
2. Kids these days are just plain dumb. Education sucks and we're not going anywhere this century.
3. You are just that negligent. That would be quite sad actually, because such careless typing only shows your disrespect (or disregard) towards other members of this community.
4. Despite your claims, your command of English leaves much to desire. For many of us English is not the first (nor even second) language so thats perfectly fine. However we all try to write in an understandable manner so other people can... understand us.
5. It is an intentional trolling of this forum. You are either some social engineering, communication or psychology student doing research on reception of such mutilated lingo or some bored no-life asshole who does it for fun of annoying other people.
6. Flying Spaghetti Monster is slowly overtaking your brain and forces you to chage random characters in all your posts.

So... which one is it? :)

--- End quote ---

Maybe you should read this again... It shows a marked disrespect for this community, of which the OP of this shows that English is often a second language for these guys and they have a better grasp of it then you. 

I am thinking #2 most strongly applies to you after constant poking and advice to change your rather grotesque spelling issues... It has ceased to be amusing, and has just become annoying...

the underground:

--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on April 16, 2013, 10:20:08 pm ---Just do a minor spellcheck when you are done typing and there won't be a problem.

--- End quote ---
When I'm using the phone I don't even have that option, which sucks cause I can see it's wrong, but the damned cursos won't move where I tell it to.
It's a Samsung Galaxy S3, at that, so that's pretty lame.

Ben. I'm ignorin your comments. Go away.

Purposeful ignorance... You must be an American  ::)

Still QQing ?
I'd give anyone an avenger with two clips for bursting your ass and making fotky :D


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