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Dungeons in ruins map some like cave's
also computer parts in Reno dungeons
Male weapons alt shuld cane use hatchet to fight



--- Quote from: Swiatowid on March 12, 2013, 12:23:34 am ---Dungeons in ruins map some like cave's
also computer parts in Reno dungeons

--- End quote ---

More Dungeons...
Random Dungeons are caves atm. Adding some interesting dungeon type in ruines i find cool.
But if they become as empty and boring as the caves are rightnow, no thanks.
First make cave exploring more interesting by adding more items to find, maybe not just junk but with a small chance also HQ-Stuff.

Also i hope that there are some cool mappers out there who might consider making more Ares/Glow-style dungeons.
These shouldn't all be so hard tho.

--- Quote from: Swiatowid on March 12, 2013, 12:23:34 am ---Male weapons alt shuld cane use hatchet to fight

--- End quote ---

What has that to do with dungeons?
Anyway suggested some times and still a good idea.

lol caves. What a challenge, either weak npcs with switchblades or like 30 deathclaws with no loot.

i thinked to about lockers in that dungeons
for exemple if u finde dungeon whit locker & a lot of claws or some tought mobs maybe endles walker
u cane be shure u get some valuble item fromthat locker ( small amount of drugs, good condytion SR PR gatling or brand new ca )


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