Other > Gang Issues

Another GE Bounty!

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So people earn 5k for killing a bluesuit now?

I'll just plant C4 all over NCR...


For me enough was that I bursted him to death ;- )

it was so obvious that the first couple of pics where obviously duds, he was in every picture , there friends of this guys and decided to take pics of him getting killed to backstab you even more, the one from tomowolf seems legit


--- Quote from: Daryl on April 25, 2013, 11:28:00 pm ---it was so obvious that the first couple of pics where obviously duds, he was in every picture , there friends of this guys and decided to take pics of him getting killed to backstab you even more, the one from tomowolf seems legit

--- End quote ---
If I remember corectly, I just got attacked, and bursted him from point blank, htne I've heard about this bounty :p.

Ben how exactly do u verify those pictures???How do u know that the hunters arent his friends actually???From all those pictures i vote only tomowolfs.the rest are probably fake


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