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Any good F2 mods?

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Played all of them.. there were 2 others Fallout of Nevada and Tower of something, idr the name well.


--- Quote from: Surf on March 10, 2013, 06:41:53 pm ---Play Lexx' Shattered Destiny. Short, but very good imo.

--- End quote ---

I am still wainting for your mod.  ::)

the underground:
I had a few decent map mods,  but then my computer crashed  ???

Mike Crosser:
The HD mod or whatever it's called.
It improves the graphics and is simply mean't to look pretty.
I think it also changes Marcus into the loo.

Not sure if it's still available for DL tho.


This is a demo of the mod Olympus 2207

This is a really good mod.


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