Other > Suggestions

AP rockets and SS in Hinkley

(1/2) > >>

Well, yeah, i'd like AP rockets and SS inside Hinkley, and i bet other people also, would make fights fun, and longer.

((Give a 1 round CD on the amount of SS you should be able to take )) 5 max?

Remove Hinkley, problem solved. Then you'd also get to actually play the game, wouldn't that be awesome?


--- Quote from: T-888 on March 08, 2013, 12:25:17 am ---Remove Hinkley, problem solved. Then you'd also get to actually play the game, wouldn't that be awesome?

--- End quote ---
Yeah.... You can leave.

Rage master:
yes to ap rockets, no to ss. if u want drugs and ss in pvp go to nr.

Oh come, when the last time I saw you in the game?

Not sure what such a feature is doing in a game with full-loot and tons of empty unguarded places in the wasteland itself, while some guys play Hello Kitty Online in some enclave of the game.


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