Other > Suggestions
Lower AP limit
There should be 3ap limit for every single character,so low agile chem reliant characters are able to eat drugs even if they are addictcs! there is also possibilty to lower AP used to eat drugs for chem reliants(except ss ofc).
Oh yes, please. I want to make my 7 drug build with 2 agility.
maby you forgot about bruiser aswell
He is probably trolling.This might be the weirdest bullshit ever read here.
Hahaha, I still do have one poor disabled guy like that somewhere, too wasted to take another dose. Totally useless junkie, can't even open the door or pick anything from the ground. On 24 lvl of course, 'cause I wasn't wasting drugs while exping then :D
But c'mon, that's a noobish mistake in build, not an in-game flaw to bother with.
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