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New Changes rock!

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The Dunce:
After a long vacation from 2238 I came back today to meet up with some old friends to find that there have been several new updates.

So far I like the changes with the new idling timer this brings back the good old days. I'm impressed I didn't think you could do it but you did. You did what many thought you couldn't do and fixed the fast relog problem!

2238 is heading in the right direction and the developers and admins are really good at running this game for such a small community of players. Keep up the good work!

Fast relog? Who needs that when you can multilog.

Good to see at least someone else is enjoying it . The game has had a lot of great fixes and changes lately.


--- Quote from: BenKain on March 06, 2013, 01:51:27 pm ---Good to see at least someone else is enjoying it . The game has had a lot of great fixes and changes lately.

--- End quote ---

Date Registered: March 14, 2012, 03:44:50 pm


Nice catch. ;D


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