Other > General Game Discussion
Request: Xoen and his cow.
Seems like the most commented epicly epic historical moment of ever in this game but whenever I use the search function with "Xoen and his cow" as search topic It just leads me to some thread about base cows.
Where can I find this so called "gem" that Xoen left us?
It's in the junk forum, where it belongs. I remember a wiki article with some of the more readable quotes of the thread, can't find it right now though.
Haha. Brings back memories. Werent there like several threads with xoen screaming and crying? And this is all thats left? I think surf should bring back the threads since they are classics and a reminder of a cruel past!
--- Quote from: Surf on March 05, 2013, 04:20:18 am ---It's in the junk forum, where it belongs.
--- End quote ---
Actually, it's in Junktown board, where it belongs. ;)
2nd and 3rd thread require some skills in reading polish threads.
Bonus: some art made by Wichura (?)
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