Other > General Game Discussion
new traders
do i get it right ?
if item is on trader list he sells and buys it at fixed price (base price with few % minus for buy and with + for sell) and barter skill has nothing to do here
if item is not on traders list is its barter based - with good barter the price is gonna go up to as much the trader would pay for it if it would be on his list - right ? or you can sell items for even more then ?
second thing - some traders seem to have just all items on their list? or almost all - like all crafted items ...
EDIT: it looks quite sexy - will see how will it turn out in the end but if the pricesare gonna be appealing you will be able to make deals this way with little loss - you need armor - you can buy it at vendor for good price... need weapon ? you can trade your armor for one ..
You seem to have it right, though I think its just flat base price rather than slight + or -s for buy/sell.
Traders shouldn't have most items on their lists, they have pretty narrow lists generally.
Hopefully this will finally see traders being useful, but we shall see how it plays over a couple of months and see how it has played.
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