Other > Suggestions
Map Books
A "Map Book" item would be good for keeping multiple tent maps.
That way just read the book to get all of the maps.
It is very tedious running all over the place distributing individual maps, then having each char individually read each one, exiting from inventory to click on the pip boy notification for each one. Then repeat the whole thing for each character.
Especially since these things seem to switch around in inventory, so I keep getting "you already logged this location".
Perhaps the maps could be loaded into a special holodisc.
Also maybe allow the holodisc to be loaded into a base computer.
Maybe even allow the disc to be broadcast like using the "all faction bases visible to friends/members" command.
I support the map book idea. It is a long process to read all maps per character as it is now.
Most important, the inventory shouldn't close when you read a map...
Yes this is a great idea! It's very annoying to add all your tents to all your characters one by one.
+1 good idea.
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