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Professional NCR Idler Build [Experienced players only].


The following build is meant only for extremely experienced players, do not atempt these mighty techniques if you do not feel qualified for hardcore idling...

With this build you can:

-1hex your NCR enemies with a mighty gatling laser, making your other enemies shake and run away in horror.
-Survive lots of enemy 1hexing, after all you have a gatling laser and they don't.
-Carry two of your best friends into the dangerous wasteland (remember not to stray too far, only 3 zones away!).
-Steal shit for lulz
-FA your comrades in bazaar, there are no super stimpacks in NCR.
-Doctor your comrades in bazaar, show those low HP docs who's boss.
-Make sure your 2 friends don't get ambushed while travelling the dangerous surroundings of NCR with some good Outdoorsman.
-High intelligence allows player to always be a good speaker in NCR no matter what drugs this mighty build takes, be the voice of reason no matter what.

With this build, you will undoubtely become the King of NCR, your enemies will run in terror, meeting their gruesome fate 4 zones away from NCR while your friends will rejoice and give you lots of "/e hug" and broc flowers as reward for your bravery.

tsk tsk tsk
obviously an amateur......
high ag?
action boy, are you mad?

no no no, drop brof and action boy for more and better crits or 2 brds.
any more ag than one burst is a waste, use those points in luck, luck is always good and infuriating when you do get that awesome f3 screenshot.
and always remember to take bloodymess!

Jesus!  Do it right!

He needs the Agility so he may burst another bluesuit right after 1hex his foe, such mighty HP will surely allow him to survive longer.

Bloody Mess is a bad trait, discretion is an Idler's best friend.


--- Quote from: Brujah on March 01, 2013, 06:31:07 pm ---discretion is an Idler's best friend.

--- End quote ---

I thought it's seagulling to be the best friend of NCR idlers.


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