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client crash "character is allready in"

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--- Quote from: Rage master on February 28, 2013, 08:17:05 pm ---[...] And decrease idler from 130s to 90s

--- End quote ---

Very annoying bug. When i can't logon my char is in danger, and i can't do anything...

I'm not sure, but it looks a bit like some core engine issue, maybe connected to specific PC configuration or abusing alts. I'm afraid this is something that can't really be fixed in scripts. For people who have this I would advise to try playing with a single character (or at least wait 3 minute between relogs) and never ever multilog / never run Sandboxie and never ever use a Proxy. Also never say obscene words and always praise Rat God. Who knows, maybe it will help (there are proofs that praying to Rat God in the most hopeless situations can help).

There is a ticket with a similar issue in Trac: http://dev.fonline2238.net/trac.wsgi/ticket/362
If you think it's the same bug, provide any information which you think can help fix it there.

If you think it's a different bug (I suppose it is, if your client crashes), then make a proper ticket
for it and provide useful informations there. Any additional "fix it pl0x" threads on this forum
are pointless. In any case, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a fix, because IF it is not a script
bug (and it doesn't look like one), then it's very likely to be hard to find out what causes this
problem, not mentioning solving it. Especially if you don't provide any valuable informations.



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