Other > Suggestions

Realm points winning conditions


In the Fallout universe the players fight for their survival and the major NPC factions fight also for survival, influence, resources and domination over the other factions.
Why not let players write the possible outcome of history in the wastes per game season ?

Player factions and factionless players could contribute points to one of the major power factions in the wastes (city states/BOS/Enclave), for example by delivering needed supplies/items/resources/medics to them, killing enemy patrols or PVP matches in predefined areas. The first major power to reach a certain score or having the highest score should win the season. The final score for major powers should be a combined score made up from military strength, tech level and survival capabilities of the town people, because Death doesnt mind if someone dies because of ... well lets call it ... "self inflicted gunshot wounds", the trigger happy friendly dual laser turret next to the city fence set to auto-response, from radiation or the lack of clean water.

Further down the future road ....
Players build bases, why not let them extent their work and build whole cities, gather other players as inhabitants and see where
it goes ? Maybe even rival the major powers in domination later ? We could just add the inhabitants skill% up to determine
different aspects of growth or extension possibilities. Maybe a modified fire place to offload "resources" and a new ~command for
showing the score of the top 5 competitors plus your faction ?

What do you think of these ideas ?

  Adrena Lynn

Mike Crosser:
Hmmm,not sure if want
Since I fear that it might become similar to those Facebook "games"

You think too far ahead and this is not Civilization here. Think of smaller aspects of your idea, they could be interesting.

I'm thinking something like a leaderboard where if you donate large amounts of caps/resources or contribute to a military victory--you would get some special tech or perks for maintaining your faction's sphere of influence.

To use Vault City for example, you might gain an exceptional bonus to your first aid and doctor skills, cheaper meds on the barter screen, your character gets the Living Anatomy Perk for free, etc.

This is what I was hoping would happen eventually.

Except for making our own cities- not enough spare population/resource rich locations in the game.

Then again- helping an NPC faction take over special locations like Waterworks, etc. would be interesting.
These could maybe evolve into minor trading posts, garrisons, etc.


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