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EW build question

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Is there a point to make fast shot EW PvP build with LA, spray and pray & better criticals?
20% base crit hit chance to torso, without aim, 2AP per shot, around 200hp?

Is it good? Interested in your opinion. Thx.

- Fast shot
- PvP

Pick one.

no, you'll hardly ever get 2-3 shots off before either A) your killed B) they super stimmed

Well, i'am actually interested in LA, SaP & BC chain mechanics. For ex, with 25% base crit hit chance to torso, LA doubles crit chance, SaP ignore armor crit mod, BC gives +20% on crit hit tables. Will it give away good chance to get high crit dmg?


--- Quote from: minimal on February 24, 2013, 02:37:07 pm ---Well, i'am actually interested in LA, SaP & BC chain mechanics. For ex, with 25% base crit hit chance to torso, LA doubles crit chance, SaP ignore armor crit mod, BC gives +20% on crit hit tables. Will it give away good chance to get high crit dmg?

--- End quote ---

does it?


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