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Companions bad PE


Ed Wood:
Hi! this is now a serious thing peoples telling that the wasteland is harsh... today i got the 6th companion whit 3pe or lower this specific i got today had 1PE BG dude with 5 str....  here is my problem the companion says that she come from the glow.... oh yeah? whit 1PE 5 str 7AP so low AG how can this dumbass be still alive... this is nonsens now.... i agre tho the stuff that companions needs to be random... but this is just stupid... and no consistent at all... EW guys whit 1 pe BG dude whit the same... there sould be a minimum stats for them... this BG dude i got today probably has 10 charima... that he can probably never use in game cos there is no feature and probably never will be that using companions charisma... so i have an idea about how to fix thes... make a seted interval what stats they get no just totaly random cos its stupid that an EW guy keep getin 1 pe and whit low HP they sould die the day when they born whit thes kinda stats in the wasteland comon you know i have right and this stuff what they call companions random stats is stupid

I wish I would be 5AP BG in my new life.
They are good source for new avengers tho


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