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Author Topic: Rebalancing NPCs weaponary and stats in encounters  (Read 1664 times)


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Rebalancing NPCs weaponary and stats in encounters
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:49:14 am »

Sorry for the long title, but it may describe all what I want to put in this suggestion.
As we know mostly people farm just Unity for their guns, VCs, Hub patrols and NCR Army for armors, other encounters are like ran around because they're not worth doing or doing special tricks to get the best of you want...
That's why I came with an idea, long time ago, but I rewritten it in more "readible" way.
For first, change following encounter npcs weaponary set
Khans - from shotgun to combat shotguns, females from grease guns to 10mm smgs - they're khans not some newbies in the wastes!
Rangers - for f*cks sake, why they got high tier armor compared with hunting rifles and flamers? They come from the one of the most powerfull factions in the wastes, that's why they should get improved flamers (and it will add source of them in game, not just crafting them), and assault rifles instead of hunting ones.
Hubologists should change their weapons to 10mm SMG or even P90s from crappy grease guns, they're not idiots with basic stuff, because they're from another hi-tech faction.

I would also make 3 types of Unity or, so called remnants of Master's (R.I.Pieces) Army
First one, near Broken Hills, should be like it was.
Second one, bit stronger - near V13, change those flamers to lsws, or at least improved flamers.
Last type - guys from Mariposa, like tough nightkins they should have plasma rifles, give them ap rockets, and 5mm ap ammo for their minis, also can change to lsws if wish.

I would like to change stats of some higgest "tiers" of faction encounters like Enclave or BoS - They got little to much hps to deal with them, and they deal too much crits, compared to the stuff you win. At least lower their hp to 300 hit points.
Another silly NPC from enounter 80s - the raiders with guns having 300 hps, who did even get on this idea- noone is hunting them, it isn't worth, most players just run to the grid when they seem them fighting off ants.

This suggestion is not cry to the DEVs for better stuff, but just to at least balance things for now, and do not make people search for another abusive way to get their best of equipment (mostly Enclave gatlings, and BoS avengers) and make it able to fight them normally but geared up in Real Time, instead of old-fashioned Turn Based (I've got nothing against it, but it is good for newbies, and oldies who cannot click fast enough).
Another thing why I did write this is that we cannot obtain some weaponry which makes it more rare, while it's not that best (talking about P90s, Pancor Jackhammer, and Improved flamers) - Which we cannot get in any other way than crafting or getting from quests/Glow.

Next idea: Mid tier raider encounters like Raiders(Khans), Mercenaries(SF guys), Gang(New Reno), 80s (Around BH/New Reno) Claim Jumpers, and Highwayman should have randomly spawned low tier drugs (cola, cigs) or even sometimes drugs like Psycho or Jet, and Buffout.

Gotta update "soon" the equipment table.

Take it seriously, something needs buffs, and something needs nerfs.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 12:55:39 am by Tomowolf »

Mike Crosser

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Re: Rebalancing NPCs weaponary and stats in encounters
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2013, 12:49:51 pm »

Some of your points were wrong,Rangers don't carry hunting rifles they carry FN FALs,assault rifles and 14mm pistols (though I do agree on the flamer thing),Khans have FN FALs and 14mms too,not just crappy shoties.

But yeah suggestion makes sense more or less.

Rage master

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Re: Rebalancing NPCs weaponary and stats in encounters
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 01:20:03 pm »

No! This will ruin pve balance :) hehehe i dont do pve but i think it is fine like it is and we need to boost npcs hp to +400 and crits rate to 40% :)

Sounds familiar ncr idlers?;) it is like ur sugestions about pvp :)
Anyway good luck with npcs encounters. They are preety same...

Mike Crosser

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Re: Rebalancing NPCs weaponary and stats in encounters
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 01:24:06 pm »

No! This will ruin pve balance :) hehehe i dont do pve but i think it is fine like it is and we need to boost npcs hp to +400 and crits rate to 40%
Meh 400 is a bit too much,and the crit rate too small.But killing something with 400hp must bring shitloads of XP.


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Re: Rebalancing NPCs weaponary and stats in encounters
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2013, 02:41:37 pm »

Some of your points were wrong,Rangers don't carry hunting rifles they carry FN FALs,assault rifles and 14mm pistols (though I do agree on the flamer thing),Khans have FN FALs and 14mms too,not just crappy shoties.

But yeah suggestion makes sense more or less.
They got like 1 FN Fal and 1 14mm pistol in Khans, rest are shotties and grease guns, ffs this is some kindergarten or real wasteland faction?
Re: Rebalancing NPCs weaponary and stats in encounters
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2013, 06:42:43 am »

Sprinkling a few p90s into larger Elronologist groups probably wouldn't break the game-balance bank; as a San Fran resident I approve of this message.
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