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how to equip helmet for follower if possible


How do i equip a helmet for my follower? i managed to get it to wear better armor.
Also do they eat beef jerky?
if it's not possible please let me know

not possible, sorry

So, in consequence their head is unprotected? Or does armor count as torso and headgear?

Followers without helmets by default are forever defenseless on their heads, Travelers usually have a helmet that can range from a leather helmet, to a metal mask, however GOOD LUCK getting one worth anything, and if they actually have decent stats for whatever they are (SG, EG, or whatever) expect them to be wearing a leather jacket.

The fact that you can't changed their helmet is just bullshit.

I had many good followers but they always ended dying cause a leather helmet is weak against laser.

they can't eat beef jerky. not when I played


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