Author Topic: Voxels...  (Read 4201 times)

Offline DanteAligheri

  • Sometimes I don't finish all my sandwich.
« on: March 20, 2013, 12:31:10 am »
Just wondering... have we ever considered using a voxel shader for the 3D model development? Something like this:

If so and denied, or denied anyway, then whatever. I just thought it was interesting. Basically it blows up 2D sprites to be 3D. This being the case, I thought about the possibilities of it being more optimized and being lighter on the server. I also wouldn't want all of the current progress the 3D developers have achieved to go to waste as their work is indeed excellent.

Offline Haraldx

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Re: Voxels...
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 02:22:22 pm »
Voxels are unstable enough. Animation with voxels is quite different from animating a mesh too. Think of it as the old monitors and TVs which had analog input. This meant that whenever something updated, you have to draw the whole picture again. So, it means that individual voxels are moving and not the mesh itself. On the good side, we get pretty much perfect pixely look. However, I've heard voxels also are quite resource demanding, meaning that even more optimisation would be required and that is quite the problem with the current engine I've been working with.

Personally, I'd say no.
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