Other > Suggestions

Add human predators

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I like this new concept of beasts roaming the Wastes for prey.
But there are also raiders, mercs, slavers and such scum wandering around, as well. Why not to make the Wasteland a more dangerous place by making them encounter you?

There is nothing against a bit of paranoia while scavenging, no? Gives you that thrill. :)

+1 Great system with awesome implementation, that seems to scale well to your party size. I'd defiantly like to see a rave party "accidentally" stumble on your footlocker. :P

You'd need a character with a build that is strong enough to defeat a few highwaymen or robbers while collecting resources, that sounds good.

The problem with this is that predators weren't meant to be fun, they are simply proxy-fool systems to prevent people from leaving alts at world map before TC.

Since all predators are meant to be overpowered for that exact reason, it wouldn't take long for human NPCs to be taking over 50 damage from you while using 10mm pistols or hunting rifles.

There is a reason predators at the beginning are always rats or ants who are capable to kill players but not as effectively as the predators that show up after 10~20 minutes, to make sure players who are legitimately hunting/scavenging have a chance to run away from them while idler proxies will either die after a few minutes or be forced to constantly auto-manage several windows at once (if he doesn't get banned that is).


--- Quote from: Eternauta on February 22, 2013, 02:24:07 am ---You'd need a character with a build that is strong enough to defeat a few highwaymen or robbers while collecting resources, that sounds good.

--- End quote ---

There should be ways to deal with them, they could be spotted on obscene taunts they might shout, they can be lured on a minefield by using LightStep perk or one can run away from them.


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