Other > Gang Issues

To Athena I (or similar name) - Sorry for PKing you

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Hey Dude!
You were BP hunting in LA Boneyard today about midnight forum time. And I felt like killing you.
It would be all cool (Wasteland's harsh and all) if it wasn't for a Metal Armor MK2 BP which was inside the locker you were trying to get to. Now I feel bad and think that it should belong to you.

This forum looks like a best place to settle this - please PM me to get ur BP back.

If any of you guys know someone playing a char with that name - please let him know.

A concerned wastelander:
Its none of my business, but you realize that anyone reading this could claim to be the victim.

anyone? oh, come on. Iam anthena!

Well, thats quite simple - let's meet in game. Or say what gear you had the moment we met.

Don't worry about me :)

i have been wearing power armor and pulse rifle , just killed 12 deathclaws, when you apeared and last hit me!


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