Other > Suggestions
Old Blueprints
I would like stimpack blueprint to be removed.
Long time hunting blueprints and today I find one.. for a stimpack which I can already make thanks to recent update.
Not fun.
Mike Crosser:
Also delete the super sledge BP,it is craftable from the start.
But don't delete existing blueprints - they can be called collector's items. Remove only obsolete bps from spawning in containers if anything.
--- Quote from: Marko on February 20, 2013, 08:36:13 pm ---Remove only obsolete bps from spawning in containers if anything.
--- End quote ---
+1 I like displaying my cattle prod and supa sledge bps.
Yeah don't take away the only blueprints I have (4 stimpack, 5 super cattleprod) but getting them out of the spawn table would be a great thing.
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