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Drug or Bomb


Phallus Erectus:
Going full blown Luck and Perception sniper. One Endurance. 2 Charisma. 5 Strength. 8 Agility.

I've used the planner and discovered that I could make chems and shoot at 200% right at the ass end of about level 22 and have Living Anatomy. Is that perk really worth it? And super stimpacks won't heal my 62 hp gimpedness.

Should I jsut concentrate on Sneak and Traps? Traps for pure profession and bombs, and Sneak could go a little ways maybe 150.

Living Anatomy adds 5 damage for every shot, no matter what's the armor.
The healing part of the perk you can safely ignore, it's total crap even for doctors.
And you would need 150% FA, for 62hp sniper it's not worth it. Against players you
will most likely die from 1-2 shots anyway and it would heal more than you need if not.

For snipers LA is not a good choice. If you were making a turn based one hander
fast shooter it might have some value (30 extra damage / turn with 12 AP).

Phallus Erectus:
My thoguhts exactly, aat level 2 I can put a single point into traps and get frags.

Jove, how does this kitty please you? http://0.tqn.com/d/create/1/0/0/v/2/-/IMG-1587.JPG

I hope it simply doesn't, it's on a leash.

This one is better. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-e9fl02HItVQ/UG7Vxe2-FrI/AAAAAAAAR6o/pkkRb0TU2So/s1600/Turkish+Angora5.jpg

Though you may like Abyssinians, I sure do. Though I am not sure if I prefer Angoras more. http://www.koperkatabyssinians.co.uk/DSCN1829.JPG

What I really like in a cat is claws. Are you aware that most "pet" owners(as if they are not themselves owned by the animal) DEclaw their cats, and even neuterize them? It's like a popular trend, along with feeding evvery quadruped corn.\

Hmm, I should have sent this to PM.


but 150 sneak does just nothing, also why 2 charisma?


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