Other > Suggestions

Idling system.

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Regarding the two lines of T-888's post I've read: Your internet must run on coal if one proxy is enough to make you lag and reduce your PING that badly, the biggest lag problem in FOnline is for players away from Europe, the server itself is usually only shitty enough to give you some brief lags.

Regarding everything else: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GgflscOmW8

I have better internet connection than many people here combined, my country has like the third fastest internet in the world on average and I have a very, very good internet based on the average of my country.

I know what I am talking about, proxies are useless for such activities, there is not issue about how many proxies you use. One is enough for the whole client to run on 300-500MS on average what I have observed, the client you are on with the proxy, that is what matters.

Besides jovanka seems like has hit a wall of the system, because I found a hole in it. Read my previous post.

Nothing wrong with that, we all make mistakes and were here to test the game. Some better than others.

--- Quote from: davrot on February 18, 2013, 04:34:41 pm ---Current system is just fine, obviously some players need more time to kick their fast relog addiction.

--- End quote ---

Hehe, you don't understand the system and you vote. Besides all my encouragement to fully understand the issue. ;D

Your whole argument is "proxies are useless so no need to worry about them".

But this is not true.

The thing is, I managed to ban one proxy in FOnline over the years but I'm quite sure there
was many more of them. It's just in this case I was lucky enough that I knew characters of
the proxy player, so I was sure it was a proxy. So I summoned him for testing.

The problem with proxies is that it's hard to tell if they are used or not. So better to have
a system where they can't be used efficiently. If proxy was the only way to make waves
of alts, that's exactly what would happen I'm afraid. Remember you would only need one
proxy at a time.

And I still don't think that having an alt over town logged off (therefore safe), waiting for
attack for hours or days - anytime - is that great. It's basically playing without playing.
You are ready to kill someone inside without being in the game.

Now we are talking, good.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 05:23:24 pm ---So better to have a system where they can't be used efficiently.

--- End quote ---

This is at the cost of this whole waiting, organization problem with the initial idling timer, it is just a mere annoyance and it is the same for cheaters as they can still cheat if they want. I'm sorry, but your statement is bold, it has a point, but how many players clean players will have to play with with it and they can't avoid that, just to prevent an annoyance for the cheaters because fact is they can still cheat effectively and avoid current system? What is effective for you in this context? Players will get used to just about anything, but the thing is proxies really haven't ever effectively been used for waves, not ever in such a scale it was before and not ever it had such a huge impact and not ever it forced the whole server to follow the same play style in order to enjoy the game. Those are facts, real hard ones.

To be honest, our faction already encountered some opposing Russian gang that used second waves somehow against us in New Reno. Doesn't matter, you couldn't catch proxy cheaters before and you still can't, so ...

please, remove this annoyance as it doesn't serve any good purpose, it will not impact the game play on any large scale. If you still aren't sure, remember your own words what you should take in consideration before setting a conclusion.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 12:39:16 pm ---I will believe it when I see it.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 05:23:24 pm ---You are ready to kill someone inside without being in the game.

--- End quote ---

Players have farmed equipment, leveled up characters, made bases, buy cars, made taxi in order to sit extra time on world map? Players have to do it enough already, to just get ready and wait for their friends to join.

Nothing happens in without time, I'm sorry I'm starting to think you have no feel for time. It is here, it exists and it is fluid.

But you can play right away after logging, you just can't enter already existing combat zone for 150 seconds.
If you really hate it that much, start TC timer in another town and wait for the other team.

PvP players brought this system upon themselves by abusing alts in PvP to the point of hillbilly ridiculousness.

Now you can't abuse PvP alts. You can't jump at someone in the first 150 seconds of play. I think it's good.


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