Other > Suggestions

Idling system.

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Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Rage master on February 22, 2013, 07:41:44 pm ---So tell me how I can kill players and loot their ss?:) magic or I just know how to pvp?;)

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**injects stimpak**
**injects stimpak**
**injects stimpak**
**1 hex**
Enemy has been hit for 300 damage and has been killed
**injects stimpak**

Yeah I think this sums it up

Rage master:
Ok I  am done with u. Go and play in tb pve :)

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Rage master on February 22, 2013, 07:54:04 pm ---Ok I  am done with u. Go and play in tb pve :)

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--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 21, 2013, 03:03:33 pm ---I love how I state facts and T-888 cries bullshit.  If you didn't need this suggestion to do what you already do then why are you crying so hard throughout the whole thread?

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--- Quote from: manero on February 22, 2013, 07:33:18 pm ---dling system is freaking annoying and i wont support it

--- End quote ---

Pretty much sums up my thoughts, it could be less annoying(that was the basic idea, but players here have major comprehension problems)

--- Quote from: vinio on February 22, 2013, 07:48:31 pm ---Hell no x 2.old system can be bypassed easier than this new one.

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It can be bypassed just as easily now, it is only more annoying to manage. You go WM, wait fucking timer, be on proxy, log off and don't let your character log off completely so when you log back in you don't have idling timer and you can use that to make extra waves, mercenary leaders, sneakers and whatever comes into your mind. If only you have basic sense of time and eyes in your head to watch the same town control timer in order to not let your characters log off completely that way timing it.

The difference is, it is also a lot more annoying for players who don't want to cheat, you can't go take even a shit or smoke, or make a drink or do anything and you'll have to wait for that Idling crap again. Cheating is harder, but just as doable, so less players cheat, but those who do have better "reward", gain more advantage out of it.

Either some good solution came or no solution at all, it would have been better to leave it as it is until proper features are made, not this annoying shit.


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