Other > Suggestions
Idling system.
--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on February 22, 2013, 06:06:14 pm ---BBS key fighting strategy has been nerfed,figured you'd hate it.
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Blablabla i dont really care if there are fast relogs or not but idling system is freaking annoying and i wont support it. Bring back 3minutes/10 minutes cd for alts.
Mike Crosser:
--- Quote from: Rage master on February 22, 2013, 07:24:12 pm ---Mike u are a guy who dont pvp and u think u know best how pvp should like. Thnx to people like u we had troll era with sd and ac trolls. Please better stay with ur beloved Ncr instead of good pvp solutions.
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FYI i tried pvp,it sucked (used well made lvl 24 builds)
I know how it works,i talk to long term pvp players almost every day,I listen to their complaints.For me it was fun for a short while but it gets boring as shit after a few hours since:almost no chance to kill anything even if there are 3 people on your side shooting the same person (thanks to ss)
The additional trolling and "forum pvp" doesn't help either.
I decided i'm better off doing pve or quests or even idling in NCR since apparently even that produces more fun then "boom boom ss boom boom ss"
You on the other hand seem to have some sort of xenophobia towards anything that isn't pvp
--- Quote from: manero on February 22, 2013, 07:33:18 pm ---Blablabla i dont really care if there are fast relogs or not but idling system is freaking annoying and i wont support it. Blah... make explanations for fuckin noob what the hell is wrong with me hehe get lost.
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Ooohh the agony!
3 mins are soooo long.
--- Quote from: manero on February 22, 2013, 07:33:18 pm ---Bring back 3minutes/10 minutes cd for alts.
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Hell no!
Rage master:
So tell me how I can kill players and loot their ss?:) magic or I just know how to pvp?;)
--- Quote from: manero on February 22, 2013, 07:33:18 pm ---Blablabla i dont really care if there are fast relogs or not but idling system is freaking annoying and i wont support it. Bring back 3minutes/10 minutes cd for alts.
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Hell no x 2.old system can be bypassed easier than this new one.
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