Other > Suggestions

Idling system.

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 05:52:20 pm ---But you can play right away after logging, you just can't enter already existing combat zone for 150 seconds.
If you really hate it that much, start TC timer in another town and wait for the other team.

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No I can't play, because it is the only reason I log into this game and so as many other players and all players that have voted positively to this suggestion will agree based on other point of views, so as I can have other one's you should respect just like me and everyone else, you are no different and were asking you to come forward at least one time. Ye, sure make own timer each time when you are the one to enter the city, brilliant solution.

Your ignoring points again, players have to idle somewhere, wait till players get ready for some action, to organize, to wake people up, it all takes time and in practice this idle timer burdens with unnecessary amount of time we have to wait till we can play together, waiting out individual player idling timers till we can even enter city together, it is ridiculous. That time stacks up as individual players joins the game, for example, while we are waiting for enough players to just wake up so that we can have enough players to engage the enemy. I am not the only one who speaks the same point of view, put a fucking face on the players, were not some carpet, neither do I.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 05:52:20 pm ---PvP players brought this system upon themselves by abusing alts in PvP to the point of hillbilly ridiculousness.

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We didn't ask exactly for this. This initial idling timer is again some shady feature that isn't necessary, nobody wanted this, you made the decision in your circle of developers, what about us?


--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 05:52:20 pm ---Now you can't abuse PvP alts. You can't jump at someone in the first 150 seconds of play. I think it's good.

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There are two things , one is idling time and one is Predator mod over WM. They are good , but not together .

Sometimes take all developers and make TC in city then write what is good...

There is basically a butthurt of people who have lots of useless PvP alts now and all they expect
from the game is login, click town in 0s and shoot whatever is inside. I have idea for you: logoff
over Hinkley. Maybe casuals will take over towns and won't be so butthurt about idling :D

I don't give a fuck about alts, I don't want to use alts and I'm happy that I don't have bring at least five of them each time I want to enjoy some fight and I'm pretty sure that goes for quite a lot of players. Besides that I never ever have leveled an alt in purpose to do FR PvP, I would have the same amount of alts without it or with it, because I'm simply interested in as much variety 2238 combat provides.

No idea what you are talking about, current system can work for it's purpose without the initial idling timer, just so as re-logging gives it and so prevents FR. I really don't understand what is wrong with you? Why can't you reason?


--- Quote from: T-888 on February 18, 2013, 06:06:19 pm ---No I can't play, because it is the only reason I log into this game and so as many other players and all players that have voted positively to this suggestion will agree based on other point of views, so as I can have other one's you should respect just like me and everyone else, you are no different and were asking you to come forward at least one time. Ye, sure make own timer each time when you are the one to enter the city, brilliant solution.
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Personally I voted the wrong option because it was unclear which one supported and which one was against your proposal :>

But honestly how does the idle timer prevent you from attacking a tc team for example? Few minutes is enough to rally your team, then 2 minutes of waiting for idle to finish and you still have time to enter and attack. Ofcourse you can't scout the enemy as effectively as you used to or kill their frontier scouts as before, but that's the penalty for being the attacking team. There's finally some struggle for the attacker.

For example yesterday our alliance with a team of over 12 guys managed to log in, move over den and perform an attack inside 10 minutes no problem and I consider us less organized than TNB when it comes to teamwork.

Want action without restrains? Be the first team inside.


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