Other > Suggestions
Idling system.
I will cut corners as much as I can, no fancy, long introduction just straight to the point in first large paragraph, explanations only optional. Please, it is strongly advised you take full consideration of the issue before giving your voice or voting and even find alternative sources of information if you think you lack insight on the problem.
The idling timer once you enter the game first time is unnecessary and ineffective for the purpose it was made.
I don't think any part of the game should be restricted to the player once he starts off the game the very first time in the day. The thing that spoils fun for me that I feel like it is some sort chore to wait out this idling timer, when it comes Town Control, or even smaller fights it is very frustrating as it is only additional time you have to waste until you are able to fully use your character. In practice it is quite a lot of time to organize players for any kind of activity, no matter what you do, so I see this initial Idling timer flawed and just a mere annoyance that could be removed for our well being.
If you agree then you don't need to read any further, if you don't then there might be something that could sway your opinion, so please be open minded, respect others and be objective. Thank you.
The purpose of the initial idling timer can vary depending on point of view and it can be incorrect, but that is besides the point, because we need to look at it how it will affect the whole system integrity when it comes to clean combat, our relative opinion is a lot less worth. So, let us look at something solid.
Upon entering the game the idling timer was meant to prevent some sort of waves, if the player character would use a proxy, in simple words another address to fool the system. So that the player couldn't take advantage of it because the idling timer would apply to any address at all times, rendering the character useless. The thing, the purpose for the timer is flawed because, even so such abuse is highly unlikely because ...
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 11:32:13 am ---The best thing a cheater can do now is to keep multilogs hidden somewhere in unguarded
locations, which I don't think is very effective except for sneakers.
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Doesn't matter where, world map or unguarded location, proxies tend to have massive latency and generally unpractical to use, maybe only for sneakers and then it would render your ability to play normally without unexpected disturbances, lags, disconnections etc. etc. what is the main purpose why proxies cannot be used for waves. Currently the idling timer for a cheater is just the same inconvenience as for a clean player, but he doesn't need to keep them on world map.
And yes they currently can keep them in unguarded locations and if someone really wants to cheat, he will cheat as there always is some percent, it is up to each individual to make piece with that for the greater well being of all other players. I know that is a bold statement, but some truth it holds.
If someone thinks otherwise and there will be much abuse or something like that, well then.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 12:39:16 pm ---I will believe it when I see it.
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You really mastered making little point in lots of words...
--- Quote ---Upon entering the game the idling timer was meant to prevent some sort of waves, if the player character would use a proxy
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Wrong, it was supposed to prevent fast relogging in PvP, period. You can scrap whole proxy from your arguments, because nobody will sit in game all day long and catch normal non-proxy fast reloggers. Even if there were people to do it, it's impossible to catch fast reloggers because... durr, one character is off, and how you want to prove anything now? Who will observe these characters if they were really supposed to PvP or not? You have 180 seconds to react before [off] alt is gone. Or there would be lots of false positives and lots of butthurt on the forum "why my brother was banned".
So you can go back to drawing board.
Current system is just fine, obviously some players need more time to kick their fast relog addiction.
You may have a point that it's unfair that a guy who just enters the game for first time of the day is punished, but how often you start fighting immediately after logging in the game, without knowing where enemies are and how many they are?
I believe most players suffer because they are doing something else when the call for action comes. Someone else had scouted the enemy and informs his team about them. Rest of the team has been in a standby mode all the time but they aren't ingame or are using some other character. Being in a state of readiness whilst having one's character safe is what the idle timer tries to punish. So if there was no initial idle timer, a team could just log their characters on wm whilst drugged and avoid the forced encounters, while one of their guys is scouting and tells when to login and spawn.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 04:28:55 pm ---You really mastered making little point in lots of words...
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I might put a lot of words into a little point, if you only see the tip of the iceberg.
I don't write anything without a purpose, some day you will have to understand that.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 04:28:55 pm ---Wrong, it was supposed to prevent fast relogging in PvP, period. You can scrap whole proxy from your arguments, because nobody will sit in game all day long and catch normal non-proxy fast reloggers. Even if there were people to do it, it's impossible to catch fast reloggers because... durr, one character is off, and how you want to prove anything now? Who will observe these characters if they were really supposed to PvP or not? You 180 seconds to react before [off] alt is gone. Or there would be lots of false positives and lots of butthurt on the forum "why my brother was banned".
So you can go back to drawing board.
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No need, I think you need re-think something.
The system already gives you an automatic idling timer when logging/re-logging while you have another character logging/logged/logging off from another client on the same IP or the same client, or if it is not that case, it should have been made that way, that you couldn't avoid idling timer by re-logging if your IP address was active in the last 3 minutes while the character is logging off. So we don't have to wait for the initial idling timer.
I know something about scripting at this point and it seems like another simple artificial CD on 1 variable.
So why is this initial idling timer here?
Proxy issue is on point, besides that I think many players would bring up this issue otherwise.
I really thought you were on point about all of this. That is why I wrote so much.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 16, 2013, 05:20:01 pm ---I will say it again, because maybe you misunderstood. If there is ONLY ONE character in game with YOUR IP
and the IP of the character didn't change, you will not get the 2.5 minute Idling Timer if you logoff for a second.
--- End quote ---
Unless you were lying about this.
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