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This new system realy reminds me a little bit old 'parle?' feature

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--- Quote ---btw dunno how you like the new idling system but for me it's as dumb as "parle" was. basically broken pvp for me. there wasn't much action but at least when it happened, it lasted a while, now it's like 1/3 or 1/4 of what was before. not to mention very annoying clickfest while waiting over wm (not even spamming preview, just waiting till others get ready). and if I choose to go to base, I render myself useless in pvp for xx seconds.

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have to agree with kilgore. this new system realy reminds me a little bit old 'parle?' feature. proably the whole system was mainly developed for big organisations participating in towncontrol, making pvp even more fuckup. yesterday we made total organisation clusterfuck - few guys entered to town with idle ;o if we had problems so imagine  some newcomers, ncr crafters. in the other hand finally we dont need at least 4-6 alts to go play fonline however if could choose - i would like to back to the old system or just rework this one by simply adding 'no pvp' after loging in.


--- Quote from: maszrum on February 18, 2013, 10:13:04 am ---yesterday we made total organisation clusterfuck - few guys entered to town with idle ;o
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You can see if you can enter town and PvP. Your clumsy organization can't be an excuse.
Maybe don't relog so frantically and don't make ultra-swarms, you will have less problem.
This is exactly what it's supposed to protect from - lolzo herky-jerky teams that can enter
anytime and squash anything beside equal swarm. And if they fail, relog to another wave,
rinse and repeat. Seems it works as expected, great.

--- Quote from: maszrum on February 18, 2013, 10:13:04 am ---if we had problems so imagine  some newcomers, ncr crafters
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Obviously you don't understand how the system works.

--- Quote from: maszrum on February 18, 2013, 10:13:04 am ---i would like to back to the old system or just rework this one by simply adding 'no pvp' after loging in.
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The old system made it impossible to PvP by anyone who has enough self-respect to not
level up 4-5 apes (or can borrow them). 'no pvp' after loging in wouldn't prevent you from
keeping multilogs in game so it wouldn't help in anything, you should know it best because
many of your teammates are multilog cheaters caught red handed many times in this and
previous sessions.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 10:29:44 am ---Your clumsy organization can't be an excuse.
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Strong words from someone that was never even a member of an organised group. Whatever else can be said about sot, their organisation was and is quite effective.

It's like we want to help you improve your game, but instead you shoo us with some kind of "you suck, learn to play" excuse. A great show of ignorance, I'd say.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 18, 2013, 10:29:44 am ---Obviously you don't understand how the system works.
--- End quote ---
You think so? Then again, stop making changelogs looking like EULA. This game was the most popular when it was SIMPLE and enjoyable. Now it punishes you for logging into it.


--- Quote from: Kilgore on February 18, 2013, 10:37:43 am ---It's like we want to help you improve your game, but instead you shoo us with some kind of "you suck, learn to play" excuse.
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Then propose improvement instead of just "I don't like it, remove it" without providing alternatives.
For example whole team on WM could see if everyone can enter without becoming Idler, etc.

--- Quote ---You think so? Then again, stop making changelogs looking like EULA.
--- End quote ---
As long as you don't relog between alts all the time, it all boils down to 2 things:
- If you see orange town you will be Idler. That's because you just logged in or were idling in safe places. So wait on WM or in another unguarded location or until town stops being combat zone.
- If you login inside town (and weren't in game) you will be Idler if it happens to be a combat zone.

Or just:
- if you PvP with a single character and don't logoff in unguarded places you won't have much problem with idling.

If you abuse alts in PvP like taxis or whatnot, then take time to learn the rules I guess.

my dear.. i know how new system works.

i have offer for you. come to our teamspeak during towncontrol and check how its really looks like form players side. what are the issues and what things are good in idling freature. you will get real feedback and clear perspective on this subject.


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