Other > Suggestions
Make same tent maps stackable and worth 0 cap
A concerned wastelander:
I noticed some players are selling tent maps in quantities for 1 cap each...probably more about trolling than making caps, since it can fill the merchant's inventory pretty quickly.
Making them stackable and worth 0 cap (or at least stackable) could be a good way to nerf this possible trolling exploit.
Stackable: +1
Worths 0 Cap: not enough for preventing trolling. How about resource costing and CD timer in map creation?
Do to maps what was done to Brahmin shit, now venders won't take the crap, and that should prevent them from being filled up with maps.
A concerned wastelander:
--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 17, 2013, 05:12:52 am ---Do to maps what was done to Brahmin shit, now venders won't take the crap, and that should prevent them from being filled up with maps.
--- End quote ---
Sounds good.
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