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Special encounter: clinic?

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Johnny Nuclear:

--- Quote from: joopndufus on February 16, 2013, 11:07:21 pm ---I believe that in both you need lockpicks and none are provided.  Basically the encounters reward those who are BP hunting with the proper tools.

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yes, treasure hunters, you need lockpicks and maybe something more

--- Quote from: A concerned wastelander on February 16, 2013, 10:48:57 pm ---So high lockpicking skill is required, and even then there is no special items but doctor bags and medkits?

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"special items" - no, no vindicators/APAs inside

Meh these still don't exist they're a lie, like the cake.  I've hit soo many city encounters *as seen in my sig*  Not a single special one.  Damn liars! 

So a clinic huh, medical supplies are nice, it's a bummer they took out the need for stimpack BPs since those are the only bp's I ever find lol.  The factory has mechanical stuff, ore, fibers and the like?  Sweet. 

Grats for finding it, you suck I hate you!  j/k.


--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 17, 2013, 03:09:02 am ---Meh these still don't exist they're a lie, like the cake.  I've hit soo many city encounters *as seen in my sig*  Not a single special one.  Damn liars! 

So a clinic huh, medical supplies are nice, it's a bummer they took out the need for stimpack BPs since those are the only bp's I ever find lol.  The factory has mechanical stuff, ore, fibers and the like?  Sweet. 

Grats for finding it, you suck I hate you!  j/k.

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You do know that these new encounters were only released with the last big update on Thursday, right?  Be patient, both people I know that regularly BP hunt have found them.  Also, I am imagining that the stimpack BP won't be a random drop anymore since they are unnecessary.  Just a guess, but who knows.

I meant I haven't gotten ANY of the new encounters, the ones released last Thursday or the car ones released not too long ago lol.  I know there is patience and I'm mostly joking, I am just the unluckiest person in the game is all.  Grats to the people who get em.


--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 17, 2013, 03:21:05 am ---I meant I haven't gotten ANY of the new encounters, the ones released last Thursday or the car ones released not too long ago lol.  I know there is patience and I'm mostly joking, I am just the unluckiest person in the game is all.  Grats to the people who get em.

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Well the other encounters are very rare for sure.  However, the new encounters are supposed to be less random and I think the fact that my friend got three in one day with about 2-4 hours of playing speaks to that.


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