Other > Gang Issues
Deathsquad, who are they?
Today in Gecko, i've encountered a sniper with the name of Deadsquad.K He had 192 HP, 14 AP and a shitload of armor class in CA, 5% chance to hit him while he is moving, 95% while is is standing still, asked Jovanka about it, and she said gtg
In Broken Hills, i was caught as a sneaker by a BG Deathsquad, i was around 30 hexes away, and he was not facing me HMMMMM.
(I did not have the idler shits)
Mike Crosser:
Did he happen to say anything?
--- Quote from: Mike Crosser on February 16, 2013, 12:06:56 am ---Did he happen to say anything?
--- End quote ---
Nope, they were only trying to kill my allies, and died while trying to rush 3v8
Deathsquad.k Deathsquad.x and one more... forgot his name but it had to do with Deathsquad
chosen soldiers:
montion sencor maybe :)
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