Other > Suggestions

Marriposa and fev or corrupted v13

(1/2) > >>

My idea is to give us chance to mutate ourself with dev virus to super mutant. This will boost our hp and emigrance and str by +2 and 100hp and +2/5 resistance bonus and -2int and -5ch charisma penalty. It would be possible only on top lvl and after making quest like killing bos or ncr outpost. Mutants would Have 4kind or armors : 2leather and 2metal armors.

And won't run, of course.

Yes 100hp and resist bonus cause u cant run.aby walking could be faster a bit. 75% of human running


--- Quote from: jacky. on February 15, 2013, 11:05:17 pm ---Yes 100hp and resist bonus cause u cant run.aby walking could be faster a bit. 75% of human running

--- End quote ---

Draw mutant running anims first, for every three types.

I like this idea :D If u cant get PA at least u can be mutie (Or implement both...That would be fckn awesome *-* )


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