Other > Suggestions
Marriposa and fev or corrupted v13
My idea is to give us chance to mutate ourself with dev virus to super mutant. This will boost our hp and emigrance and str by +2 and 100hp and +2/5 resistance bonus and -2int and -5ch charisma penalty. It would be possible only on top lvl and after making quest like killing bos or ncr outpost. Mutants would Have 4kind or armors : 2leather and 2metal armors.
And won't run, of course.
Yes 100hp and resist bonus cause u cant run.aby walking could be faster a bit. 75% of human running
--- Quote from: jacky. on February 15, 2013, 11:05:17 pm ---Yes 100hp and resist bonus cause u cant run.aby walking could be faster a bit. 75% of human running
--- End quote ---
Draw mutant running anims first, for every three types.
I like this idea :D If u cant get PA at least u can be mutie (Or implement both...That would be fckn awesome *-* )
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