Other > Suggestions
New ways of getting resources
'Protecting mines - This mode does contemplate the current mining system: players go to an unprotected mine and get payed for protecting it. The player should stay in the area for a given time to get minimum (low) reward and get bonus for every unit of resource that exits the map (can't depend on the number of characters that go out alive as that would be abusable). If the character dies before the "protecting mine" cooldown is over, they get no reward. The reward could be in resources or caps (player's choice) and quite attractive so that pr0s got a reason to protect these locations for noobs/lowlevels.'
And what will be the risk then ? Who will be the enemies ?
Asides from that, why would anyone pay mercenaries to protect looters while they plunder valuable ressources , just to maintain some order in a desolate place? It would make more sense if somebody would be hired to massacre them and keep them out instead.
Horrible Idea, reeking full of APK ideology. Please more suggestions that turns the game into a carebearfest, since we have so few!
If "mine protection" is implemented, you'll see more heavily armed guys in mines. You would be able to to mines and kill miners for resources and "APK carebears" for gear.
--- Quote from: Eternauta on February 17, 2013, 02:28:57 am ---If "mine protection" is implemented, you'll see more heavily armed guys in mines. You would be able to to mines and kill miners for resources and "APK carebears" for gear.
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If it pays off so well that more "heavily armed guys" camp around there, why should I bother going there with a high chance that I will face >3 guys there, meeting guaranteed death for the promise of some petty loot ? I'd rather join the campers for no risk, since nobody is so dumb trying on "heavily armed guys" for no efficient yield on victory, and play "APK" myself . I can do that well ! "YOU'RE RED LISTED !!! YOO HARR PK!" *shoots random person*.
Or I would simply guard my multi logs, reap the mats AND the rewards. Either way a great enhancement of atmosphere and game experience.
Server population varies depending on the time it is. The situation in those mines would not be the same 24/7. According to the specific situation in every particular case, it'd be better to do one thing or the other. It's up to you and your style of playing.
You say APK are like this
--- Quote from: Vile on February 17, 2013, 03:27:16 am ---"YOU'RE RED LISTED !!! YOO HARR PK!" *shoots random person*.
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But you had just said
--- Quote from: Vile on February 17, 2013, 02:07:09 am ---Horrible Idea, reeking full of APK ideology. Please more suggestions that turns the game into a carebearfest...
--- End quote ---
So make up your mind before posting. And I also recommend changing your general attitude. This is just a game, man, so you should chill a bit.
If you disagree with the suggestion, just try to share your arguments in a way that doesn't make you look like an unbearably annoyinf guy.
--- Quote from: Eternauta on February 17, 2013, 04:01:14 am ---
You say APK are like thisBut you had just saidSo make up your mind before posting. And I also recommend changing your general attitude. This is just a game, man, so you should chill a bit.
If you disagree with the suggestion, just try to share your arguments in a way that doesn't make you look like an unbearably annoyinf guy.
--- End quote ---
Wat. Stop dodging my questions with polemics and tell me how you planned to work around those problems, this ain't kindergarten.
Your "time dependence" argument is valid but not really significant. I'd still rather camp then raid. Look I say nothing against your other suggestions, they are quite fine, but this stinks like full blown APK ideology concealed as "an alternative to mining". And I don't like when people sneak/force their intentions/ideas into the game, like people akin to AVV forced "AVENGERS ONLEY 4BALANCE!!!" into PvP.
I don't hide PK intentions in my suggestion either without adding some counterpart, so why don't you ?
Don't get hurted by my perception of APKs, that's just how most of your fellow comrades tick, at least the majority of whom I've encountered during the last 2-3 years. It was meant sarcastically, I made my mind up long ago, but thanx for the life lesson. Another trait of your fellow tea club, teaching people where it isn't needed. No need to get all bubu and tearful.
tl; dr : Give me a good reason to raid that mine while it's being protected or It will be just another "Idle for free ressources without opposition while shooting people you don't like".
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