Other > Suggestions

New ways of getting resources

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For now, a mine can be emptied pretty quickly.
I protect the mine, kill random miners.
My buddies empty the mine in less than twenty minutes.
So i can keep killing random miners, as they won't get ressources anyway (mine depleted)
At the end of the timer, i get reward, without having done anything but protecting my friends and killing the others.


--- Quote from: naossano on February 17, 2013, 02:17:21 pm ---Eternauta>>
For now, a mine can be emptied pretty quickly.
I protect the mine, kill random miners.
My buddies empty the mine in less than twenty minutes.
So i can keep killing random miners, as they won't get ressources anyway (mine depleted)
At the end of the timer, i get reward, without having done anything but protecting my friends and killing the others

--- End quote ---

You are right. An alternative could be that the reward is fixed but gets reduced according to how many deaths take place in that mine/place (btw remember this protection activity would be possible in new "farm" and "scavenging area" locations for fruits, fibers, tobacco, junk...) - that way the reward would be higher if the area's ground does not get covered with blood.

This would probably attract PvPers into these locations: they detect an enemy gang "camping" for resources, so they go and try to fuck up their reward.

Or it could be also a balance between number of deaths & number of resources that exit the location.

But yeah, you're right that my original suggestion had flaws.

I think several of these ideas are fantastic, but I (for the first time ever, I think) have to sort of agree with Vile about the mine protection. It is just more conducive to bring some miners and hitting up the mine yourself. But with that, I really love the creation of a large scale caravan for the transportation of resources would be a fantastic risk/reward scenario. I have often thought there should be large, purchasable quantities of ores and the like, but transportation would have always been a factor in that suggestion, and this makes it an "outsourced" protection "quest". I like it, i like it a lot.

On the protection of farmers and the like, maybe expand that to following your homesteader friends out into the wastes and protecting them. This would allocate those gathered resources to you in a more "realistic" fashion, and make it kind of a later, more experienced player ordeal.

Aside from that, I'd love to see these all implemented in one fashion or another. I think it would lead to much more "purposeful" grinding.


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