Other > Suggestions

Fixboy suggestions

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--- Quote from: blue meanie on February 14, 2013, 05:30:42 pm ---So how about a thread for suggestions to offer our advice and make this system more stream lined.

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I'd like more like to have all trillions of related suggestions made in past - collected and kept in one place, including single posts :P Not only for fixboy, but gui in general [currently it's more important [for me] to create flexible core than single screens (like fixboy)]. Boring task, so i don't really expect anyone to do that (including me). But if you feel you can - go ahead.


--- Quote from: Wipe on February 25, 2013, 12:32:02 am --- Boring task, so i don't really expect anyone to do that (including me). But if you feel you can - go ahead.

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Well, if your not interested in doing anything about it, do we have some sort of "assurance" that if someone takes the time to make it, it will be implemented?

Isnt this a engine limitation so you cant adjust the amount of crafted items and fixed amounts are a workaround?


--- Quote from: BenKain on February 25, 2013, 01:12:20 am ---Well, if your not interested in doing anything about it, do we have some sort of "assurance" that if someone takes the time to make it, it will be implemented?

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There's this small difference between possibility and willing to include things that may be found in forgotten parts of forum. Even if we wouldn't want to make specific things, other servers may. And to make gui made from scratch in scripts reality, you may need to change specific parts of client - that's something what other servers may have problems with. I know what i want to have, but these things are bound to 2238 and its features (or lack of them).

We already lost best source of inspiration, which was fonline.ru. Now it's just a mere shadow of what it was, when it comes to fonline content. Doesn't matter: script-mods already made, requests, dirty workarounds which could be made simpler, or even silly screenshots/photoshop-work which may be inspiration for a change.

All in all, i'm not going to say that things will be added; but at least we can try to make them possible. And if not we, someone else can pick them and add it to own scripts - doesn't matter if it's badass huge server or just modified TLA made out of boredom and running on LAN only.
That's probably not the answer you wish to read but hey, i'm still proud owner of worst PR in wasteland award (thanks Lomoholo!) and i'd like to keep it ;)

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