Other > Suggestions
Travelers added to encounters.
My suggestion is to add Travelers to encounters similar to the homesteader. This would be helpful in the sense that more people would have a chance of joining up with one.
With the current system even finding 1 traveler is a chore and 7 times outta 10 it's a useless companion, a BG with 5ap, an EW with 1per, and so on, so even getting lucky and finding one doesn't mean anything great. Couple that with the fact that now every spawn point is camped by numerous people and your chances are even further reduced. Adding them to the wasteland would mean that those of us who don't want to spend our entire game time camped in cities have a chance at finding one. Putting them in encounters wouldn't mean a 100% chance you get one either, because like homesteaders they would have to Live through the encounter.
If it's possible to do without a major overhaul I'd love to see this implemented.
blue meanie:
+1 .The current system sounds good, but when, as you mentioned, factor in all the alts in towns for the single purpose of grabbing these guys up it just doesn't work. If they pop in like the predators do now, and are located in some of the random encounters it would provide people with a better chance to get one.
Yeah, I don't know if I would add it to the predator system just cause it would be a sit and wait thing, but if it gets them into encounters I'm all for it. Cause somethings gotta give.
Sounds like a very good reward for someone camping a hazardous zone that will eventually be filled with deathclaws, in my opinion.
The odds of finding any traveller worth keeping are about the same of finding warehouse special encounter anyway...
Very valid point, since it only takes 10 mins before deathclaws are hopping all over ya, so yeah add them however it takes.
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