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Changelog 14/02/13

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as Mayck said: You wanted it harsh, so stop whining!
I think its great update, and hard work. Its free project, we dont pay to anyone so, be happy for what they do.

no challenge in this game. i want wipe. and klein cs didnt quit becasue of others gangs, but we just get bored of this game.


--- Quote from: Shangalar on February 15, 2013, 02:55:04 pm ---Still wanna beat me IRL?

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Will be a real pleasure for me to kick ur 18 years old *godwin* ass, but we are totaly off topic so please come back to the debate who was interesting before u start opening your mounth.


--- Quote from: jacky. on February 15, 2013, 03:36:47 pm ---no challenge in this game. i want wipe. and klein cs didnt quit becasue of others gangs, but we just get bored of this game.

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I think wipe isnt needed now, only if developers want to totally change game system.


--- Quote from: Shangalar on February 15, 2013, 02:55:04 pm ---Mind you, I share most of your arguments. It's just your tone which is really annoying : most of the time, you sound like a arrogant prepubescent kid who yells at his parents to get some shit. Stop acting like you're teaching lessons to everyone.

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How do you "hear" me or my tone? Please, amuse me, do you even know how I sound?

I lay down information, facts, feedback not lessons, it is just in your head that it sounds the way it does for you, I call that being biased, well partially.

--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 15, 2013, 03:00:21 pm ---Everyone has a different style of play and no one point of view can be considered more correct or relevant than another.

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Yes it can be more relevant or correct, opinion is based on facts, observations you consider true and they might be incorrect. Were not talking about your or my beliefs here, I try to do without opinion as much as I can, that is why I might sound like all-knowing jerk that lays down the law and tears your opinion in pieces trying to search for flaws, false facts you are basing on, but I don't give a damn how perceive it as long as you can reason.

I honestly don't care.

--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 15, 2013, 03:00:21 pm ---Just because your faction took a few months to be flush in your opinion doesn't mean that others weren't done in less time.  I saw people happily tromping about in combat armors and mercs within the first 2 weeks.

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I saw a pie in the sky, I really did, do you believe me? Were not talking here about your beliefs, aren't we? So, you should try talking with something less in the sky, but more solid on the ground. Oh yeah, lesson of the day, isn't it?

--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 15, 2013, 03:00:21 pm ---You spend a lot of time (and text) throwing your opinion about and belittling others based on what you want from the game and how you think it should be done with little regard for the effort and the thoughts of the people actually working on the game.

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I actually sink in your thoughts much more than you can comprehend, or at least I try. When my brain doesn't add up shit, because shit doesn't add up, it starts to ask questions and this is happening on a forum.

--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 15, 2013, 03:00:21 pm ---The honeymoon after a wipe is a fleeting thing, yes it's fun and nice but for most people it is just a few weeks of hard work than it's back to status quo.  Truthfully if they wiped tomorrow without any added changes other than what came out last change log the honeymoon would go by even faster because everyone knows all the little ins and outs of the current features.  The great thing about wipes and the reason why they typically take some time for people to get on their feet is because of New game altering Features, without that a wipe would be like what others have said, just a ~deleteself password, nothing new.

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Didn't know you work in the game. Interesting.

Go ahead, if it is true then just delete your character and experience it all over, then by that logic players would do nothing but that, because the game doesn't offer a better time than Wipe. So, ask yourself why players don't do that? I hope you can see what doesn't up. Otherwise there is going to be another wall of text, but you could try to read my previous barriers and try to understand.

Even so, let us presume your imaginary number of weeks is some perfect average for the common player out there to be interested to do something and the game is more interesting, then maybe we could experience it more often. Why not? There doesn't have to be enormous change-logs to have some fun. When you have nothing to your name, on your character you perceive "the little ins and outs" you know as something completely different than usual when you have certain resources indefinitely to use because, for example, of broken features or simply that the session has been going on a long time.

--- Quote from: Trokanis on February 15, 2013, 03:00:21 pm ---Anyhow these are facts that everyone knows, sorry for the off topic, and the resulting multi-line response I'm sure will be forthcoming.

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Damn right.


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