Other > Suggestions
10 stack crafting for drugs
Ed Wood:
I think its already painfull the drug crafting in this session it would be nice if we atlast managed to make them faster not 1 by 1
10 stacks should do the trick in my opinion!
+1. Same might be for Stimpaks and SS, 10 instead of 1. Or at least some option where you can decide the amount. For example, you're going to craft 3 Super Stimpaks: so, you'll need 3 Empty Hypodermic, 6 Bio Med Gel and 9 Chem. Components.
Basically, you can choose how many of them you want to craft at the same time, you will be able to choose from 1 to 3 in this case, since 1 Super Stimpack requires 1 Empty Hypodermic, 1 Bio Med Gel and 1 Chem Component. Actually because it's a pointless waste of time press "F", select "Item", then "Fix" and repeat it tons of time, when it's for the same item.
Ed Wood:
Sorry if i was not accurate i ment on all the items that is made by doctor prof. even the week healing powders. My maus is already at hes end and when i was making 300 radaways ohhh god save the queen next time im sure i put a bullet in my head before that!
New blueprints could be added to allow this.
fixboy interface generally needs an overhaul.
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