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password not being accepted

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 13, 2013, 03:20:41 pm ---If someone stole your account or you forgot the password, then well... tough shit.

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i didnt change my password.

but your right. someone took mine and changed it. this wasnt one of my alts. it was my only character. i spent months and months getting it to where it was. i can prove it by describing my build, somthing VERY specific to the build itself that only i would know. i dont want to say it on the forums, but i will message one of the mods/devs if they feel like not being selfish and helping someone in the community, which by the way, makes the game.


--- Quote from: Pilgore on February 13, 2013, 06:09:25 pm ---you can bet your ass that if it was someone within the circle jerk, or one of your friends character that was stolen, you would help them.

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Actually Johnny Nuclear (one of the devs) has a few characters/nicks stolen. So I surely wouldn't bet my ass.

--- Quote from: Pilgore on February 13, 2013, 06:09:25 pm ---i want my character back, and i know you can help me. and yet you cant be bother to do that. that is pretty sad that you would act this way.

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1) You would have to prove you had this char this seesion.
2) You would have to prove you didn't give access to character to someone else (which is impossible to do because it would be just word of new owner against yours).
3) Characters are stored in non-plain-text files I am not sure if they really are encrypted or it's just some binary format, but it's not plain-text format anymore so even if you would be able to prove points 1 and 2 only thing that could be done without convincing new owner to voluntarily give it back is deleting the character entirely. (The character files are [to my knowledge] handled via engine, and engine devs have better things to do than to add backdoors into the system incase someone would forget their password.)

so we can't really help you

i can prove it by telling you via PM somthing very specific about my characters build, that only my character has. i can prove its mine without a shadow of a doubt.

that still would leave problems 2 and 3
How could we possibly be sure that someone just didn't tell you stats of his character?

Ok I take back the point number 3 the character files are openable with certain tools.


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