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Hi All

Does anyone have a copy of the fonline map with a dpi around 200+?

I want to make an A0 poster of it for the living room and the guy in print shop was worried about definition of one on wiki, only at 96dpi

I'm pretty sure the map in Wiki is alredy obsolete.

If wiki quality is not enough you can screw around in game files and merge fragments of the map into one, then make that poster. Or i can borrow you this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kyy74dluxiux8ol/worldmap-fo1-2-complete.png

Here I released the whole thing. There is no bigger one.

I always wished that someone would further tweak it / make it better, but that sadly never happened.

Maybe it happened but you don't know it ;)

And yeah, thing i threw up there is Lexx map i just haven't remembered where i got it.


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