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Author Topic: TC, loot, PvP ideas!  (Read 1666 times)

TC, loot, PvP ideas!
« on: February 07, 2013, 02:16:52 am »

Greets everyone!
  I've started this game again recently( after 3 times before the wipe maybe) and would like to share some ideas. They are not just mine, rather inspired by all the talks going on here and playing of course. Some of the ideas might be proposed already, but I believe it is never too much talks about these topics.

  The goal is to work around with such things:
1. Tons of loot that are in faction bases.
2. Create more interesting PvP for loners and newcomers(and others of course).
3. GF (that is Global factions like BoS and Enclave) functioning improvement.

  It is clear that BoS and Enclave would like to control cities as well as player factions do. We can let them do it in an beneficial way for loners and newcomers. We can make it just like a team quests in WoW( never really played it myself though :) ) are. That is when random people gather together to accomplish some goal.
  The details for TC are like this. You walk in one of BoS centers in a city and propose your help. They write you down and you can go off until you get the radio(!) transmission telling you that enough people have gathered( maybe even separated to classes) and you can move on to the rendezvous point.
  Another more complicated but similar in organization part action, is to let GF harass faction bases. The RP about it is that they want to destroy other forces obviously. While they main army is concentrated on mutants and Enclave, GF may let the smaller work be done by random wastelanders.The GF have scouts who can find these bases and lead people in. Important points about it:
  a) Only bases which have enough players online may be harassed. And owners will be warned( before or after the beginning of an action or just by global radio at some point, or randomly all these options).
  b) Hired by the GF players won't know where exactly on map the base is. They will just meet with NPC scout somewhere and then be teleported to the base.
  c) The goal may be to fill the wagon with goods for example. And of course the damage must not be very devastating.
  d) It brings more emphasize on base defense with slaves, lockers etc..
Finally I believe there are more similar ideas and I leave it open of course.

  Now, I would talk a bit about not GF related things. About things that don't need any effort from developers, actually.
The case is that mostly I play as a loner( probably you got it already :P) but still would like to participate in TC events which are certainly one of the main fun out here. Few times I've tried to join some TCing faction and most of the times I were instantly killed( yet got one or two funny episodes when I was left alive :)). What do you think, is it possible in any way to have some agreement( at least with some factions) about such cases? Could you agree me with my moderate firepower( not pure PvP as I use no alts mostly :o)to help you for some reward or even without sometimes? And sure thing other interested players as well..
  It may be a defense of the city or taking it back, which doesn't really matter. What matters is that it will bring bigger battles in game as well as more fun I believe :).
  There are problems to organize such things but are they totally critical? What should be done to make it possible?
Discuss please! The amount of time I will play this try Is your responsibility as well I think haha!

Thank you for reading! Sorry for my mistakes, I believe they did not distract too much ::).
Have a nice day!


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Re: TC, loot, PvP ideas!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 05:38:16 pm »

I like the idea of having independent gangs led by players, functioning off the grid, being the villains for all those NPC factions while loners and people who dont want any trouble (nor they want to pvp frequently) could work for these NPC factions with various advantages and disadvantages compared to independent gang.
These NPC faction would cater for these players, gather players and give them various PvE/PvP options like attack Den, bring me 10 mutant dog tags and so on.

On the other hand, I dont like this base raiding unless whole base system would be remade to what TLA used to have (or has (or was it Requiem?)) where you had means to defend it apart from buggy NPCs (who does like killing NPCs in PvP ?), means like maintainable forcefields, sandbags, static towers...

Now for your last part, I personally wouldnt allow any stranger to have in my team that has weak combat skills and poses a threat as an enemy scout. Its way easier to battle with 10 of known, well-prepared guys than with 30 PUG swarm. I suggest joining a team and be loyal to them even if you are losing and most of all, practice on improving your skills. Having just one alt around is unacceptable nowadays though.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: TC, loot, PvP ideas!
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2013, 02:43:08 pm »

Thank you for the reply!

I like the idea of having independent gangs led by players, functioning off the grid, being the villains for all those NPC factions while loners and people who dont want any trouble (nor they want to pvp frequently) could work for these NPC factions with various advantages and disadvantages compared to independent gang.
These NPC faction would cater for these players, gather players and give them various PvE/PvP options like attack Den, bring me 10 mutant dog tags and so on.

On the other hand, I dont like this base raiding unless whole base system would be remade to what TLA used to have (or has (or was it Requiem?)) where you had means to defend it apart from buggy NPCs (who does like killing NPCs in PvP ?), means like maintainable forcefields, sandbags, static towers...

I agree that harassment is pointless until base defense system is made. From the RP point it has sense. Never thought of it but force fields that you've mentioned would fit really great. Along with some traps and NPCs... All this would bring a brand new activities in FOnline. People would have to strategically plan how to place defense parts in their bases( Evil Genius game style) while for attackers it is like finishing some quest, like stalking in the Glow but instead competing with other players.
Sure all this changes are not quick made as well as implementation of wider GF functioning.

Now for your last part, I personally wouldnt allow any stranger to have in my team that has weak combat skills and poses a threat as an enemy scout. Its way easier to battle with 10 of known, well-prepared guys than with 30 PUG swarm. I suggest joining a team and be loyal to them even if you are losing and most of all, practice on improving your skills. Having just one alt around is unacceptable nowadays though.

  Talking about the acceptance of strangers to TC, I understand you. When it don't takes much effort to make a few new alts you trust no one. However do you have any idea how common the phenomena of loners is? Me not, but as I believe that TC is the most fun( which is probably because I newer fully tried it) players who don't use it lose their interest fast.
  Maybe we can make some separate gang for such loners? With lots of traitors and deserters :) With almost no public loot in it, with no agreements outside the game itself. It's like you login and firstly go to the base to check if anyone is around there.. Wait for about 10 min or more and then probably move on alone or with strangers to you. The goal would be only to have fun, to try the TC stuff and probably constant losing(or not ;) ).. It may fill the gap between the loners and real gang members, which is currently big. It may convince people to stay here by proving them that the game has potential.
  Anyone interested? Any experienced player want to take the lead? Which is necessary at the beginning of this gang existence I believe. Anyways the main source of it would be loners and beginners and probably it is time for you to express your opinion? In the future this gang would well fit the first page of the survival guide I believe. As well it may have a right RP value, like gang of crippled or cursed wastelanders who want to survive so they seek for someone alike( non fully PvP builds are in this sense crippled). After all I believe it may bring some fun to the experienced players too, as place where you are not responsible for anything, where your ingame authority will help you to organize people to some strategy etc...

Saying it again, I don't really know how often it happens that people are playing alone( which is closer to original F2 and therefore more common to newer players I believe). Maybe there are just few( like me) and then there is no point in it.. Or probably there are quite some, say enough for few TC per day( week? haha!). So say it! We make this game fun and alive at first, lets not forget it and whine less ;)

Edit: Oh.. And one more thing about this loners gang. I see it as a step before this bigger system of GF is made. It takes the same role, to help at the beginning( not only but mainly) and show the game faction mechanics like TC.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 02:52:32 pm by SVAT »
Re: TC, loot, PvP ideas!
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2013, 03:24:04 am »

I like the idea of zone of control base, imagine if your gang decides to hire on workers and starts up a major cottage industry to produce caps, resources, drugs, weapons, etc. You have the benefits of growing into a small city, but at the same time you'd have to fend off attacks made by NCR, Vault City, and other players. It sounds cool if it could be done on private base maps and there would be some regulation of how many people could fight at one time (balancing).
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