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OK I have asked a lot of questions but...

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--- Quote from: Jorhan Stahl on February 07, 2013, 04:54:20 pm ---Using real world logic that'd make sense. But this is a game. I wasn't aware asking what a random NPC would or wouldn't buy was in some way offensive to some people.
It's a game. he is an NPC. He has a standard inventory and barter screen instead of an option like "give me one iguana" for 50 caps or whatever, and he has caps in his inventory.
sorry if putting all those things together, and assuming he was a normal trader considering all the above facts and then asking a question to people who play this game is a bad thing.

I KNOW the trader system in this game is messed up. I KNOW not everyone buys everything, but when he has a normal barter screen and a sack full of caps, what was I meant to think?
"Oh this random NPC who's just there to add atmosphere has a trading inventory like the real traders,  unlike ALL the other traders who are there for atmosphere who have a dialogue option. I guess that means he's exactly the same as other flavour traders".

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its fonline. you need to learn that everything is different here than in any other game. most of thing is made as realistac as it would be in real life.

It is? Why the fuck am I not going to work with rocket jumps and super stims instead of wasting gas?

Jorhan Stahl:

--- Quote from: racoon on February 07, 2013, 06:04:09 pm ---its fonline. you need to learn that everything is different here than in any other game. most of thing is made as realistac as it would be in real life.

--- End quote ---
To honest, I did have a feeling. I just thought I'd may as well ask.
Other than this iguana guy taunting me with his huge bag of caps, I kind of like the fact that traders only want certain things.
Always found it odd that in pretty much every other game, the super high-tech base's super-mega-ultra-doctor who knows how to create bionic arms, replace eyes and has created the best healing items known to man wants to buy that dead rat you found in your starting home.


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