Other > Closed suggestions
Change the "No gm online" message
Dumb dumb:
New players might not go on the forum, on the wiki, or might not know about IRC.
So my thought was to change the "Sorry, there is no GM available at the momment, try again later" to "Sorry, there is no GM available at the momment, try again later, or log on irc://irc.forestnet.org/2238help". Maybe that will help the rare new players to solve their would-be-problems, and it would also alleviate the possible false alarms since there are players on this channel who can help for most problems, not only game masters.
Dumb_dumb says it perfectly.
Sure, why not.
If the player doesn't know about forum/wiki/irc, would he know about the requesthelp command ?
Is it written somewhere ingame ?
--- Quote from: naossano on February 02, 2013, 09:04:26 pm ---If the player doesn't know about forum/wiki/irc, would he know about the requesthelp command ?
Is it written somewhere ingame ?
--- End quote ---
Somebody could tell him, or its to dumb to go on IRC
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