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Author Topic: Changes to slaving  (Read 2184 times)

Changes to slaving
« on: January 30, 2013, 06:51:23 pm »

Some minor changes to how slaving functions to better streamline it.

-Remove merc requirement for slave limit. It's pointless having a bunch of ghouls standing around your base forever, just make slaves take 35 pp. This will also allow to check how many are following you with ~pp.

-Slaves left at base no longer occupy party/take pp. This way we can store slaves so we can sell slaves or use them for combat, and if combat slaves die we have replacements and don't have to go farm before continuing combat. Everyone else can go instantly restock and return to combat. Making it base only solves the problem of encounter traps with hundreds of slaves in them.

-Allow equipping of metal armour or worse. Just use the original npcs gender to determine the model (black red shirt guy turns into black metal armour guy, homesteaders into reg metal model). Having 0 damage resists make slaves too fragile to really use properly in fights, they get slaughtered by anything more dangerous than molerats.

-Lower rope weight, it's ridiculous. 8 ropes is 36 kilos, thats more than most can carry. We're talking enough to tie some wrists here, not 100 feet per slave. 200 feet of hemp rope weighs 1 kilo in reality, so unless it takes 7200 feet of rope to tie up 8 people...

-Allow use of fruit, weak healing powders on slaves. They are your property and have no rights, why can't you use drugs on them against their will?

-Change slaving runs mechanics. Instead of needing 150 rep to do a slaving run and having it reset, the higher your rep when taking the run changes what kind of run it is. If you have under 200 rep you get the tribal slave run, 250 gets you the junkies and 300 gets the caravan. This will take some of the randomness out of it, there's still a roll for the amount of slaves/back up.

-Slaver perk: Once you've turrned in your 100th slave you get a perk called Veteran Slaver, slaves no longer require loyalty.
Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2013, 11:35:30 pm »

Randomness of Slave Run is part of the charm of this quest.
You never now if you are prepared enough agains't what's to come.

Better if we also have a small chance to face a fourth kind of encounter, harder than the previous ones.
Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2013, 01:01:45 am »

Really nice suggestion, i like it all.

The Slaves on the base should be left in the brahmin pen or something to prevent them escape. Plus some guards to watch them over? This could go really nice with the faction base NPCs suggestion. Slave/Brahmin keeper NPC, hireable from slaver guild or raiders?


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Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2013, 01:19:31 am »

Randomness of Slave Run is part of the charm of this quest.
You never now if you are prepared enough agains't what's to come.

Better if we also have a small chance to face a fourth kind of encounter, harder than the previous ones.

No its annoying we all reroll tons of times to get caravan. I would rather know with alot of rep I can get caravan instead of wasteing my time rerolling.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 08:27:43 am »

On the merc requirement not everyone hires ghouls then have them stay at the base forever. Some do take his/her follower(s) to runs or just to farm. The idea of needing guards to keep them in line is good. Add the number of other followers to ~pp like having a companion and 2 dogs then you would see 160/XY pp, 0/3 slaves, 0/2 brahmin. Would be way better. Although instead of 2 dog for a brahmin it should be 1 for 2 or 1 for 1 but thats a bit off.

Slaves at bases won't taking place up well I understand the logic behind this but they ain't there from their free will and if they outnumber you why shouldn't they just kill you and take everything? Instead of this why not just add a new type of hireable NPC that you could hire from Vortis or Metzger he will take up 40-60 pp and give him the ability to give you 2 slaves also add in a new location buyable from Vortis or Metzger and available for slavers only where you will have some lockable cages you could store them there max 10-20 slaves you could add here a hired slaver he would guard the doors.

Don't like this idea of equipping armors to slaves these characters have different weapon sets it would make the NPCs stronger no doubt about but I simply don't like this idea due to the fact that their look would change with 3d it will not be a problem but with current limited FRMs in my opinion this would look ugly.

Agree with that rope weights a bit too much. Also yeah the allowing of using unhealthy stuffs on them sounds good too however this should have a chance of them rebelling or later dieing from withdrawal.

I like the randomness in the slave runs so I simply don't like this idea.

The perk idea is interesting however turning in 100 slaves is damn easy and to make them fight to their last blood it sounds unlikely. Instead of this why not make it that their loyalty gets to 100% when given jet and raised by 10% with foods 5% with normal healing powders or something like that. Unlimited loyalty should be gained only from animals.
Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2013, 07:12:22 pm »

On the merc requirement not everyone hires ghouls then have them stay at the base forever. Some do take his/her follower(s) to runs or just to farm. The idea of needing guards to keep them in line is good. Add the number of other followers to ~pp like having a companion and 2 dogs then you would see 160/XY pp, 0/3 slaves, 0/2 brahmin. Would be way better. Although instead of 2 dog for a brahmin it should be 1 for 2 or 1 for 1 but thats a bit off.

Slaves at bases won't taking place up well I understand the logic behind this but they ain't there from their free will and if they outnumber you why shouldn't they just kill you and take everything? Instead of this why not just add a new type of hireable NPC that you could hire from Vortis or Metzger he will take up 40-60 pp and give him the ability to give you 2 slaves also add in a new location buyable from Vortis or Metzger and available for slavers only where you will have some lockable cages you could store them there max 10-20 slaves you could add here a hired slaver he would guard the doors.

Don't like this idea of equipping armors to slaves these characters have different weapon sets it would make the NPCs stronger no doubt about but I simply don't like this idea due to the fact that their look would change with 3d it will not be a problem but with current limited FRMs in my opinion this would look ugly.

Agree with that rope weights a bit too much. Also yeah the allowing of using unhealthy stuffs on them sounds good too however this should have a chance of them rebelling or later dieing from withdrawal.

I like the randomness in the slave runs so I simply don't like this idea.

The perk idea is interesting however turning in 100 slaves is damn easy and to make them fight to their last blood it sounds unlikely. Instead of this why not make it that their loyalty gets to 100% when given jet and raised by 10% with foods 5% with normal healing powders or something like that. Unlimited loyalty should be gained only from animals.

1- serious slavers don't use mercs, they don't have the luck for decent hps. Also you need to maximize your possible slaves so having anything but ghouls is pointless and they can't fight even with high hp.

2- The change from bluesuit to armour works no different from any other skin, who cares if it would look "ugly", this game is not about graphics. Also as I said, naked npcs are worthless. It's like if you told players they had to pvp in bluesuit.

3- Dying from withdrawl? From healing powder and fruit? wtf.

4- Randomness in slave runs is good to an extent, but people don't have infinite time to play this game. Only making 900 caps from a slave run isn't worth anyones time and a 2 hour cd means that might be the only run you do that day, you should be able to invest for better returns.

5- Loyalty is stupid, I don't think anyone has ever given slaves jet because a single jet is worth than a slave and they take a bunch to make happy. All loyalty does is make it impossible to store npcs long term devaluing their ability to lvl.

I like the slave pen idea but I'm guessing you'd need a special slaver base that has it included since you can't modify existing maps without deleting items.


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Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2013, 07:41:29 pm »

Making more Slaveruns would be great. I'm sick of junkies, tribals and caravan guards.

Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2013, 08:38:08 pm »

I like the slave pen idea but I'm guessing you'd need a special slaver base that has it included since you can't modify existing maps without deleting items.

Its not much work to copy one of existing maps (depot/camp), add some cages and slaver related stuff and add it as a new DIY base available from Metzger.

And i can also imagine special version of tent, similar to safe house, but with cages and what not available for slavers.
Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2013, 09:27:10 pm »

I don't want to argue about serious slaver but in my opinion the caps you get for slaves is nothing compared to slave runs therefore you would only need 2 slaves so if someone want to concentrate on this really he doesn't need mercs at all just a slaver char with good combat skills. I'm not a serious player I guess cause I don't like to have only ghouls I did had for a while but using other mercs was fun for me. About the mercs' stats they shouldn't be based on player stats in my opinion but thats a bit off topic. Still even like this I do use mercs with not min maxed mercs leader and they can be useful so I think its not a bad idea for a slaver to have some other mercenaries too if not for else then for pve.

About the armors its just my idea but I would like to say I disagree about their worthlessness. I maybe wrong here for now since I don't pvp these days. Currently in pvp everyone runs around with BG and CA mkII. I feel that we shouldn't expect some badly fed group even if they are more in numbers to win against a group of players like that. However saves were good for support in certain situations. Remember Gecko mine?
It was filled quite a lot of times with slaves guarding the outsides, or have you met a group of ghouls more then 6 with combat shotguns in small areas like elevator like elevator entrances, sewer entrances... etc They were real effective with the backings of other players although with the removal of autokill it maybe harder to pull this off now.

You said using drugs on them so I assumed all drugs not just fruits and weak powders if you meant only those then they should suffer nothing from that.

2 hour for slave run is really long I agree with that but personally I like the randomness in it. Maybe it would be better to have lower cool down on the quest instead of changing it again this is just my opinion.

On the loyalty I think its a needed feature even though it goes down so fast and many times I was away for long times just to arrive back and see that all followers gone down to 0% loyalty. However to be honest I should tell that I do fed jet to plenty of slaves (though mainly to named ones). As I said in my opinion jet should pump loyalty to 100%, and this system should be tweaked so their loyalty can rise due to food too.

I'm glad the base idea is liked, and as Ronillon said it shouldn't be real hard to make some bases with cages based on the existing ones, but yeah planning out a new one would be hard.


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Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2013, 10:11:32 pm »

Some minor changes to how slaving functions to better streamline it.

-Remove merc requirement for slave limit. It's pointless having a bunch of ghouls standing around your base forever, just make slaves take 35 pp. This will also allow to check how many are following you with ~pp.
It may seem pointless to you but to others it's actually beneficial.  Stacking party points for slaves is a no no alone imo.
-Slaves left at base no longer occupy party/take pp. This way we can store slaves so we can sell slaves or use them for combat, and if combat slaves die we have replacements and don't have to go farm before continuing combat. Everyone else can go instantly restock and return to combat. Making it base only solves the problem of encounter traps with hundreds of slaves in them.
I think this is a good idea, obviously needed since very beginning.... and suggested just as much.  But it won't solve encounter traps.  Alting, dual log, fast relog, younameittheygotit.
-Allow equipping of metal armour or worse. Just use the original npcs gender to determine the model (black red shirt guy turns into black metal armour guy, homesteaders into reg metal model). Having 0 damage resists make slaves too fragile to really use properly in fights, they get slaughtered by anything more dangerous than molerats.
This is true.
-Lower rope weight, it's ridiculous. 8 ropes is 36 kilos, thats more than most can carry. We're talking enough to tie some wrists here, not 100 feet per slave. 200 feet of hemp rope weighs 1 kilo in reality, so unless it takes 7200 feet of rope to tie up 8 people...
Also true, it doesn't make sense.  the reason the rope weighs so much now is because it was only used in the Glow place where you had to lower it down very far to climb into.  lower it.
-Allow use of fruit, weak healing powders on slaves. They are your property and have no rights, why can't you use drugs on them against their will?
  It seems like a problem of telling the difference between slave and player npc, or mercs, or if someone else not owner is trying to use this on them, etc.  Sounds like a lot of work to get around every possible event that would make this abuseable, though I doubt it will actually happen often if at all, it's still there.  This is especially also assuming you mean all drugs etc.
-Change slaving runs mechanics. Instead of needing 150 rep to do a slaving run and having it reset, the higher your rep when taking the run changes what kind of run it is. If you have under 200 rep you get the tribal slave run, 250 gets you the junkies and 300 gets the caravan. This will take some of the randomness out of it, there's still a roll for the amount of slaves/back up.
But does your rep reset after the quest at any point, or does it just stay that way, and  you wait till you can take the quest again?

Also, I don't know if I agree with it anyways, with current dialogue, It seem metzger simply is scouting out any hit possible, and there isn't always a caravan, or a tribal camp, or a junkie house for sure.  It would require a change in dialogue.
-Slaver perk: Once you've turrned in your 100th slave you get a perk called Veteran Slaver, slaves no longer require loyalty.
+1  Would be pretty nice.  Your sheer reputation and such would keep them in line alone.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Changes to slaving
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2013, 11:12:59 pm »

It seems like a problem of telling the difference between slave and player npc, or mercs, or if someone else not owner is trying to use this on them, etc.  Sounds like a lot of work to get around every possible event that would make this abuseable, though I doubt it will actually happen often if at all, it's still there.  This is especially also assuming you mean all drugs etc.But does your rep reset after the quest at any point, or does it just stay that way, and  you wait till you can take the quest again?

The only real thing needed is a weak healing powder for healing their hit points when they are unconscious. Other than that.. no reason to give them drugs.
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