Other > Suggestions

About how is shown the critical hits.


I would suggest something about the message when you cripple some part of the body successfully.
Everyone who already was in a war, knows how it sucks when you aim to cripple the enemy but just don't know what happened cause you can read it in the log. I mean you don't really have any chance to read. And not because you are looking to your HP or to your ammo or to your enemy, but because freaking fast and impossible to read it in a real combat.

Suggestion 1)
   •What if the words blinded, crippled (right, left) leg, crippled (right, left) arm, knock out, dropped weapon and the other related to aimed shot were highlighted somehow in the log to improve the identification of what happens.

Suggestion 2)
   •What if, when your char broken some part of body he says something.
Situation: Someone aim and hit my right or left arm. If he successufully cripple my arm, my char say something like "Damn my arm!" or if is in the legs "You broken my leg!". Just like when you hit npc chars.

good idea。
but NO DEv will do this。

Things like this have been suggested in one form or another a lot. Why do you think a dev would never do this? Is it high-priority? No, but it sure would be useful.


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