I personally think they need to sort out thievery in regards to pack brahmin. Gathering isn't that big an issue, though I'd like there to be either a few more mines, or a few NPCs that sell and buy ore at a decent rate (there may actually be NPCs that do, still new), and it'd be nice for at least two safe HQ mines, because I know, the risk is a big part of Fallout online, but I hate travelling through harsh zones, scraping by with my gear, only to be shot by a camper who'll end up looting 3 12. gauge shells and maybe a bullet-ridden, hole-filled leather jacket or something.
Oh yeah, thievery.
It should be as if they tried to steal from you, and it should use your perception or whatever the qualifier is for thieving fails/successes. I am getting so pissed off with FINALLY wrangling a brahmin to act as a pack animal, then mining a large amount of ores and minerals, only to have some lazy level 2 thief steal it all from him, without being punished for it.
It should state "[username] tried to steal from you" when a brahmin is being stolen from, too. It'd at least make them think twice about stealing from your carrying animal, rather than YOU do all the hard, tedious work of gathering, then they take it all, no retribution, no repercussions, nothing.
And when I say a reasonable price for NPC traders, I mean less than 1000 caps for ONE mineral or something like that. As a new player, I'd just like to say some of the prices for certain things are total shite. I have no problems with money or gear as I make most of it myself at level 11 or 12 I think, and sell the excess. But time taken to gather the materials + the difference in materials + the hazard in gathering said materials should be taken into account.
I don't mean your individual crafting time. You could intentionally take 20 hours to make a combat shotgun then ask for 10,000 caps for it because of your slow arse, I mean time taken, say, for a tommy gun (not the best gun, just an example here guys)
Depending on where you are, and if like me you camp out near-ish to NCR, I have to trek all the way down to the bottom of the map, gather a tiny amount of junk (my brahmin got shot going down there. It thought it could take on mutants and the like), drag it all the way back, mine some minerals and ore, providing others haven't taken the lot, then find some wood, then craft it all together, provided no one picks my pockets before I get to the work bench, now solved as I have a safe house rather than a tent, but yeah...
Kinda just rambled on a little there rather than said anything useful.