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Author Topic: Blueprint hunter question  (Read 1913 times)

Blueprint hunter question
« on: January 26, 2013, 05:49:00 pm »

Does luck affect the chance of finding a footlocker and/or blueprint inside a footlocker?


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Re: Blueprint hunter question
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 06:01:14 pm »

You will be getting various conflicting answers to that question, and none of them, i bet, from an actual developer looking at the code, but from non-dev players who are not looking at the code and thus only guessing.

So here is my guess, based on months of bp hunting: Yes, high Luck improves your chance to get good contents in footlockers, contents like bp. I believe contents are generated as soon as the encounter opens, and not when the locker gets opened. If i'm right, then the Luck of the char who found the enc factors into the locker contents, not the char who opens the locker (if they are different). I have no opinion if Luck factors into finding such lockers more often. However, I would bet that Luck does not factor into which bp you get - i bet that part is pure random.

Again, these are just my guesses. I'm not looking at the code. Here though is a fact, and not a guess: the devs change things! They change things as we go, in mid-season and some things, like how Luck factors in, is not announced. This is, i assume, to preserve some mystery where mystery should always be. So you could get an answer to your question that is accurate today but inaccurate tomorrow.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Blueprint hunter question
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 06:11:58 pm »

i agree with u marko, but i think there are some classes of bp. Some common (that u can find in glow or ares) and some rare (p90, combat, sniper..) My new lockpicker has luck 1 and find bp in the same rate i think. But one notice i would like to share- my personal guess is that bp on any square is like a resource and has time to replenish. According to my experience i could search one hour on one place and nothing, then direct after login i found 2 bp. also it just my guess so take it with reserve 8)
Re: Blueprint hunter question
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2013, 06:29:18 pm »

What about the locations? Does the footlocker near new reno have the same loot with the footlocker near boneyard?
Re: Blueprint hunter question
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2013, 06:32:26 pm »

me personaly prefer city near theme park, i think there is definetly more bp than f.e. near adytum. u should tr y all city terrain to find out encounters comfortable to u.
PS: i found CA bp near enclave
Re: Blueprint hunter question
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2013, 06:58:32 pm »

One last question with 200 lockpick can I open all footlockers? I dont mind to try a few times.
Re: Blueprint hunter question
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2013, 07:17:21 pm »

never tried. but my newlockpick with luck 1 , 251 lockpick + advanced lockpickset is good
Re: Blueprint hunter question
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2013, 07:57:15 pm »

Here's my experience.

I've had a LOT of lockpickers this season, and I've tried quite a few different builds.  I personally don't believe that LK factors into finding either blueprints or encounters, or affects the contents of footlockers.  Yes, this is guessing, but only based on various tests and experience.  I've had 1 LK, 5 LK, and 10 LK builds.  I've never noticed a difference in the frequency of blueprints, or the contents of lockers in any of them.  I can't say for sure whether LK factors in, but I do not believe it does.  As Marko said, I haven't seen the code.

I've noticed that BP's seem to spawn in lockers in spurts.  Others such as avv have noticed this as well, and made some educational posts on the matter.  I'll often be in Skype or IRC when I hunt them, and many times I'll find one within a few minutes of someone else finding one.  I'll also find 2 or 3 in a row at times, then nothing for hours.  I've also noticed this while dual logging with two lockpick builds, much of the time when one finds a BP the other does within a few minutes.  This seems to apply all over the map, as I don't use two characters in the same grids at the same time.

As far as lockpick skill is concerned, I've found most of my BP's with a LK1 build with 150% lockpick.  It's easier now that supposedly all footlockers can be opened, and we have Expanded Lockpick Sets.  200% should be fine, really.  The other one that was the most successful had 300% lockpick, and traps skill.  It was less successful because it had no combat skill to deal with NPC's or mobs, and I had to abandon lockers at times.

avv said the following, and I agree 100% - the idea is to open as many lockers as possible.  This means the trapped ones, the ones in encounters with enemies, etc.  As long as you can deal with traps, mobs and NPC's, and open the lockers, it seems to be only a matter of real life luck to find them after that.
Iguana Pete's sister

Re: Blueprint hunter question
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2013, 08:20:29 pm »

Thank everyone especialy to wind that helped alot
Re: Blueprint hunter question
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2013, 10:24:12 am »

I have a SG, Traps, LP, build with I think 3-4 luck I can't remember, she has 200% lp and expanded lockpicks, since they fixed the broken Footlockers I haven't hit one I can't open.  SOME do however take more than one try so don't give up after the first shot.  Read my Sig for current info on my locker/encounter/blueprint ratio.
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
Car Wrecks:  3
Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13
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