You trying to tell me when i die with APA MkII and someone find with SPECIAL fucking luckmy grave he can just take my items?
There is no need to "find" the graves. The graves are in the public locations not in encounters.Luck doesn't matter. Items lost/left in encounters are put into a special recycler, then slowlyredistributed into the closed graves in graveyards (like in Den). But the chance thata specific item will return is rather small and it may take a while, so it's not like youcan just check all graves after you die and get your stuff back. It won't work.But yes, any weapon, armor, drug, key, blueprint or ammo that someone will lose in anencounter may appear in one of the graves after some time.
YOu trying to say me when i i be killed then i can get the gear back ?
It's possible to get it back, but unlikely. The items are placed back into graves at a slow rateand separately from each other and they might even not be placed at all. The recycler is cleanedif it's overfilled. Most of the items in recycler are leather jackets and other junk left by playersin encounters, not items lost by dead players.
How does the "recycler" buffer works ? FIFO, with anything overflowing the buffer being discarded ?
They are not your items anymore because you died.